The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Can my buddies and I still leap into the air and bang our hips together in mid-air after I hit a three-pointer?

I just googled myself, and all I ended up with was a bunch of boring government-looking stuff.

Depends. Is the orphan wearing crocs?

Goddamnit, now I need to find ANOTHER plausible explanation for this ringing gonad.

Not cool.

Gael Garcia Bernal
has never looked more masculine than he does in that photo.

A stab at respectability notwithstanding…
…he may spend his entire life in the shadow of his father, Buster. [citation needed]

I, too, occasionally watch television.

Well, then, I know someone's mom who sports a lot more beauty whenever I flex.

Dickens' Tool Academy
That's already got a plurality of dong references built in.

I'd like it if the post-credits easter egg is the revelation that what he's actually best at is riding steeplechase.

Wouldn't have had that problem if he'd gone with his instincts and called them a pretty pretty princess instead.

If it had to be one of the Black Eyed Peas, I guess we fared better than we would have with the pee-pants facelift girl or the one who looks like an albino vampire. Or the fourth dude with no distinguishing characteristics beyond "once wore a hat."

Agreed, phel. It was probably a lot more shocking and subversive when it wasn't merely a degree or two removed from half of the reality television we have at our disposal today.

It looks like Mr. Gervais was interrupted over and over again by Black Bolt, in his previous post.

Shia LeBoeuf often underperforms in holes.

I can only conclude that Tobias walks outside of time.

I wouldn't be currently cleaning curds of vomit out of my nostrils and sinuses if I'd taken a moment to remember that "Meg Ryan naked" meant something totally different at the dawn of the nineties.

The thought of James Toback and a teenaged Mike Tyson…
…walking along lost in conversation at five in the morning makes me smile at its incongruity.

Throughout puberty
I suffered from the Curse of Where Are The Women.