The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Amen to that. Dave Foley reading the letters from Bill was poignant beyond any words that could have been written for the scene.

What, a black man can't even SMILE now without you crying?

Maybe I'm just an uninformed plebian, but how does The Chronic not at least earn a seat at the table? That disc was great in '92, great in '02, and I'll bet it'll continue to be great in '12.

The Long Walk is one of the most terrifying pieces of literature I have ever read. It haunted me for months after, and thinking about certain moments in it STILL make me feel odd and queasy to this day. Absolutely brilliant.

I'm still giggling as I type this reply. Good show, Lobsters.

AV Club chose not to run the pic of Gaffigan cupping his breasts.

Oh, no! The bikes that made them jump, jump?

If you were a real fan, you'd know that Church repeatedly refuses to comment on blahbidy, since the Letterman debacle of 2002.

I just wonder how different the comedic landscape we'd be living in right now had Paula Poundstone not fallen out with the rest of the Original Kings of Comedy.

Legface only reads the last two words of every post? And here I was, wasting my time trying to artfully construct some withering diatribe areola fritterpants.

@ Anotherspaceboy