Park Sunset

The rain too. It was mixed in just the right way.

Over the Garden Wall was perfect in every way.

I've seen Too Many Cooks and half of Over the Garden Wall. Now I can finally understand what the hell's happening here!

Was this decision made by a snotty college dean from an '80s movie? "No, you can't have your Eastern European dictator in a green miniskirt, it's gonna be an hacker or nothing. And none of this "Von Doom" nonsense, he will be called just like a normal person. I'm sick of your fooling around, young men!". Who hates fun

THANK YOU LOKI! *catches fun with funcatcher net*

What a groovy little ditty! Thanks, Gussie!

Thanks, Eric!!!

Thank you Stephen!!!

Aw, it doesn't matter :) I am having a nice day, thanks.

Thank you kindly, SBT! *offers fresh flower bouquet*

Out of Thankyous

Thanks Quirky!!

Grazie Ege!! Sei molto gentile!

Thank you jmunney!!

This made me laugh so hard. Grazie MJ!

Thanks Doc! I choose…spikey things!

Followed by A Land Before Time 16: After Time.

Those might be useful actually. Thanks!

The Texas government breeds elephants in tubes in their secret laboratories. They can shit out an adult elephant faster than you can wipe your butt. The elephants are transported to the booths in big black trucks that are inexpensive to use because they use very advanced electrical motors that they keep hidden from

You mean this donkey gun?