Nice picture, Dayman. Allow me to insert my cat eyes first, then you're in trouble.
Nice picture, Dayman. Allow me to insert my cat eyes first, then you're in trouble.
Fuck it, I really like Temple. The pacing is entertaining as hell, everyone has tongue firmly in cheek, and it has a weird way of being both highly comedic and a bit damned dark as well. It's a great bridge between the others.
I'd also choose Secret Life of Arabia, along with Teenage Wildlife and A New Career In A New Town. He really had a knack for songs you could strut to.
"I was talking to Kim. I said 'You fuckin' die!'"
That also threw me the first time I heard it. Just like when I listen to the start of "You're Wondering Now" by The Specials, which makes my head instinctively turn towards the bedroom door.
Think Tank ended up being way more repeatable than I expected. I've discovered I'm kind of hard pressed to find a song of theirs that I don't enjoy on some level.
Tom's Diner
I can't believe I never knew the original was a cappella. Normally that genre irritates the hell out of me, but after seeing that video I think I just fell in love with Suzanne Vega.
I don't remember seeing much of this when it was on the air, other than the sketch about MIB's toothbrush running off and having a family. That shit made me and my little brother laugh like nothing else. I get the feeling it won't be the same the second time around.
Didn't he do gag interviews on his radio shows earlier in the 90s? I seem to recall some shows where he added some real celebrity interviews among his written skits.
1:07. A new record.
How about "Repetition"? They might appreciate the irony, you never know.
Album version or the Stop Making Sense one? Either sounds appropriately nice.
Rearranging popular songs
It's interesting that he talks about that. I saw them live in 2006 and every single song they played from their catalog was almost unrecognizable, with almost none of the electronic touches they normally utilize. It was very interesting and I have no idea if that's usually the case with all…
That voice
If I ever get a Wes Anderson-filmed biopic about my life, I wouldn't mind having him as the narrator.
I have to admit, seeing that line in print makes me laugh.
It has a bit of a Moonlighting feel to it. I just hope they don't play it out incessantly. And Ted and Veronica do have great comedic chemistry. I wish they paired up more often.
I also loved his casual expression at the end as he, Ted and Lem reacted to Linda stating her frustration. He's consistently established himself as my favorite character.
Yeah, I had way too much fun listening to him when I was younger. I can't see myself trying to be all revisionist these days by pretending he always sucked.
I liked it as a kid, but it definitely suffers from having a less than memorable villain. And few things (if any) are improved with the addition of a baby.
23 Meteor Street, Tufnell Park
And every single day I would leave on all the appliances, in hopes that Tyres decides to pop in for a visit.
Whatever you may have thought of the "feud" itself, that final Rocky 3 freeze frame was pretty great stuff.