
Having watched Mr Show somewhat revcently I say give Jack a chance. It's not all Kung-foo Panda

I get the impression Oliver doesn't know that much about economic issues and in making jokes about things like debt passively supports the general line of thought

That sounds GREAT

The Office was great, Extras was really good and the radio show he did was very funny. As he got thinner he got more obnoxious and annoying and less funny and then randomly Derek.

You earn $40,000. Congratulations, you are one of the most powerful people in your country


This is almost all of them. You should be able to get the season 1 dvd rip to get the missing 2 commentaries.

Ricky Gervais

Sad angry masturbation. Tear rage jerking

Yes it can only be that they were controlling Paige subtly. That fits in with everything that happens after. There's absolutely no way that Phillip would decide preemptively block any attempts by the Centre to call because, as you said, they never get any calls. Every scene of them about to sit down to dinner, then

I think it was just that Philip decided that they didn't want the Centre or anyone else disturbing them while they processed what happened

Paige picks up the phone

We could do something entirely radical and not hand out meaningless awards and not declare one show or performance 'the best'.

Reading that it was (at least in her mind) meant to be the Lara Flynn-Boyle show originally made me grateful as fuck I live in this timeline.

That's what I was referencing.

Someone's gonna try and get Oprah pregnant. Then the party can begin

I've only seen the 1st episode so far but it kind of feels like the female Kenneth spin off. I based this largely on the way Kemper smiles a big toothy grin like Kenneth

Basically Plato's Philosopher Kings.

Joana be a star

Eg Girls