
Vanilla Ice Phone Call
Even if we weren't discussing real estate strategies that would still be the most important phone call I've ever been on.

Sort of related i guess…
My local FOX station is only airing reruns of the Simpsons from 2009 - present. Who do I talk to about that? Seriously they've been showing the same episodes for months.

Wikipedia fact:
His son directed Titanic II for the Asylum.


I think Community is the only comedy on TV worth analyzing save for possibly Parks & Rec. And I don't know, something about the way Dan Harmon articulates makes me want to have a glass of scotch with him.

I hope somebody over anal-izes you.

I dont care how many times they repackage this…
It will still be a mediocre album.

Monique is a perfect example of that. She has an oscar in a career that includes:

Malcolm McDowell and Breckin Meyer
Two acting vanguards from different generations. And also Mark-Paul Gosselaar.

- Liz Lemon

s2E9 - The high speed chase in the blanket-fort city.

I know for me, Comtemporary American Poultry was the first episode to get me hooked but specifically…

Luis Guzman

Now that I've got your attention, when's that Dan Harmon interview you promised coming?
Also Dancing With the Stars, rhubarb, rhubarb, peas and carrots etc.

Yeah Primary Colours was very underrated in my opinion.

Having not read this article at all, I'm assuming Tilda Swinton is the manic pixie dream girl mentioned in the title?

Wait…So "HipsterDBag" isn't just a post-ironic username?

I'm currently unplugging from technology for the next six months, so will somebody please tell me if that guy is Toby from The Office.

What What?!
Meta? Post-modern? Can these terms really be applied to this show?

The metal hands bit was funny the first time I saw it on the promo, but the full version of it didn't add anything to it. The crystal meth bit was by far the funniest segment on the show. And they should have more highlights next week. That Shaq one wasn't incredible, but I can see the potential if they do that