My favorite detail of the "pistons" scene was that Cuddy new House had to be lurking somewhere to watch this, and of course he was. Classic.
My favorite detail of the "pistons" scene was that Cuddy new House had to be lurking somewhere to watch this, and of course he was. Classic.
Yes! This! ^
I live to serve. :)
No, Let me tell it…
* I have to say, even when the writing fails this show, which it kinda did in the 2nd and 3d acts, you have to respect the comedic chops of the cast. NPH in particular constantly cracks me up with little choices, down to how he laughs at something. Or the faces he makes while obviously not…
Lane's review is definitely a little myopic, but if you want a hilarious laugh, read his "Revenge of the Sith" review. The dude blows his stack like the movie killed his mom.
@rawbun - yeah, that's more or less where I was going with my comment - he believes that God and he are best buddies, and that his dedication to God is necessarily also a dedication to himself. So sometimes he does right, but a lot of the time he does what's in his best interest, assuming he's holy and thus in the…
I have to say I was almost disappointed in this casting though, because it's now clear that Wanda's brother/Nickie's ex-husband is unambiguously evil. But then I remembered that Zeljko is so awesome it doesn't matter.
Good fill in work!
* I'm under the impression that Bill tells people his plans and generally acts like a jackass because he has very little self doubt. He's pretty sure he's on a mission (or several missions) from God, so everyone else looks smaller to him. Why would Jerry be offended by the peace pipe comment? …
Yeah, I agree, New No. 2. I mean the whole show is kind of premised on the fact that Coach is a stand up, polite guy in a kind of impossible position. There's an huge amount of investment in high school football in Texas, so these kind of low level state employees are under more pressure than you might think. Kyle…
@dubdub: I don't know what to say. A lot of your points seem to boil down to "…and it's not working for me." I'm interested in knowing what, in the authors' estimation, would make a person volunteer for this life. I want to know why the staffers work there. I'm interested in how an organization like this can even…
Another thing that I think keeps us attached to the dolls despite the lack of a distinct personalities is a combination of empathy/concern for the people they used to be and Bazin's ideas about the validity of the star system. He argued that the Hollywood star system works because audience members have a relationship…
"It worked. First we draw them in with the boring stuff and then, Bam, we hit them with the excitement!"
@dubdub: Well, I think you've kind of highlighted it. The tension is that we want this person to have a personality, and in fact we know that at one point she did. But the other genre element at play here is mystery. We want to know more about who she is, but we're not going to find out all at once. We want to…
Well, I think the cool answer is, "kind of!" But there's a continuous world with a large number of continuous characters, so it's obviously not - it just gets some of the generic benefits of an anthology show.
Chocolate and Peanut Butter!
"I can't decide if that's a bold stroke of ambiguity on Whedon's part, or if it's just a blatant contrivance to give Eliza Dushku a chance to play a different character every week—some good, some bad."
And maybe that's the peril of a genre-defying TV show - you have to establish your work as a work in the genre(s) you're playing with before you can subvert them. If you're doing it in a movie, you can ramp up fairly quickly because it's a short argument, whereas a serial story like a TV show has to build its…
AW dude, it's late… Cut a brother some slack. :)
I dimly recall one of the other hybrids singing it…but maybe I'm making that up.
Maybe the Raptor gives audio feedback in the headset…?
I was fond of her as a midwife. I thought she got to show off a touch more tenderness than the show has allowed her so far. And also, "midwife" is not a role I predicted dolls being hired for, so I kind of hope they keep surprises like that coming.