
He looks like a Daniel Clowes cartoon.

I was not aware this existed. It's some kind of "left behind" adaptation or something?

I'll take your word for it!

Like I'm going to look up some golf based sports metaphor to understand what you're gibbering about. If you meant, "thank you for continuing to write hilarious posts about the absurd world we live in", I wholeheartedly agree. If you meant something else… I can't be bothered to tell.

Wasn't this pretty much the same idea as "Puppets who kill"?

I call bullshit. Potatoes don't have any significant amount of oil (grams of fat in a large potato: 0). Wheat has a much higher oil content, but none of it makes it through fermentation and distillation. Also, if I'm buying vodka, I prefer to get potato vodka, and I've never seen this.

It probably balances out; I'm an American who mostly prefers British television. Thanks for paying your licensing fees, guys!

He's going to moderate the comments on amplifier reviews?

Eh, but that damned animated Scooby. What they really ought to have done is to cast Scooby as a normal, non-animated Great Dane and only have dialogue from Scooby occur from Shaggy's perspective, because he's high out of his fucking mind.

I wondered if she thought abandoning him might piss him off enough to get him to attempt to survive. (Don't know how likely that is).

What the filmgoers of today are clamoring for is a POGS movie, dammit.

So it's just like BBC America?

Yeah, that festering bite-wound's not sounding too good. But maybe they can have some Maester sort it out in return for returning Arya, if they don't just say "fuck it" and turn back after hearing her crazy aunt's dead.

I wonder what will happen to the Hound. Any chance he'll inherit his brother's castle? I suppose being a fugitive puts the kibosh on that. But now he's in the Vale, where they don't seem to give much of a shit about King's Landing…

Being unfamiliar with Werner Herzog, I can only imagine this in Paul F. Tompkins' voice.

Sets fire to the studio, runs off to become a junkie whore?

Bobby Flay?

I am now, but I can only think of General Melchitt (from Blackadder Goes Forth)

Pee Daddy?

It's not a perfect translation. Yes, it embellishes the story very much so. That said, they aren't taking anything away from the original story.