yes, but,
yes, but,
Welcome back! You picked a good night.
Blow in the end of it!
I'm enjoying the 90 minute right now. Love this stuff
Indeed, KB. This deserves a "what you sippin on?" thread.
…and it's also worth noting that our boards are largely devoid of the dregs of internet society that jack up their post counts.
That's amazing! purchased. Thanks Santa Peel!
forgive me, but there were actors in Dark Angel besides Jessica Alba? Can't imagine how I missed that.
I am excited for you - and to get the opinion of folks watching it for the first time. I decided I loved it long ago, and even with fresh eyes I think I give it too much leeway.
totally agreed. I think the way Moore used them both in BSG illustrates it perfectly. Nobody could have been as badass and scary a Helena Cain as Forbes, but no way she could have pulled off that amazing guest spot that Visitor did in the last season.
@avclub-d6358b87ac150b52b5d5d8d2a3848bf5:disqus , I'm glad someone else was watching SNL in the early 90s!
Yeah - great part for him. A lot more understated (and obviously sad) than his work on star trek or west wing.
Are you a time-traveling Paramount Ad Exec or Casting Director?
diction is your problem with this post? :)
Holiday Trek Gift Thread. Go!
That;s amazing, @avclub-18d84eb30b59b5f3cc748bfe9f68b472:disqus
@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus: ehhhh. maybe Ezri. However I would have loved to watch Leeta rub one out with a candle, or any other clue accessory for that matter.
Before i saw that Simpsons episode (or before neo-cons further popularized the notion when France wouldn't join our ill-advised foray into Iraq), i learned about the French resistance from that awesome scene in Great Escape where they shoot up those Nazis in the cafe and then drink a toast over their bodies. The…
i feel like it has been made, and is sitting in his basement.
@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus : is death by trek fans kinda like 'death by cop' but instead getting shot you get sarcastic wit-ted to death?