destructive recovery

I have fond memories of this one. I was going back to finish my degree after a 15 year hiatus and “French New Wave” was the only course available.
So it was this, “Breathless”, “Hiroshima Mon Amour”, “Cleo from 5 to 7", “Le Bourcher”, “Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, “La Jetee” and one or two others.
I had ZERO knowledge or i

Coming of age films can so often lapse into gratuitous sentimentality but this one really stands out for taking a much less idyllic view of early adolescence. That’s not to say the film doesn’t have some lovely moments and it does a beautiful job of capturing the inner world of a 14 year old which for a lot of us was

Yeah..... not choking anyone, even if asked. Would be far too uncomfortable.

Choking is terrifying. The one time it happened to me I literally pressed both feet against the wall and shot myself back and off the bed like a frog. The bruise I got on my butt was worth it to get across my point. 

Jennie joins the counterculture and becomes an abused, drug addicted, STD infected burnout.

He makes his money by being too dumb to bring his shrimp boat in out of a damn hurricane, then having Lt. Dan invest their money early in Apple. You can claim that was the reward for living a decent life, but it was hardly earned.

Yeah: “Tarantino’s directing style is too subtle” is not an opinion I expected to read today.

I have one completely unsupported and one very tenuously supported theory about why Dan’s shots didn’t hurt Lucifer: 1) Michael replaced the bullets in Dan’s gun while he was passed out with something that wouldn’t injure Lucifer to play on Chloe’s fears (unsupported) 2) Chloe and Lucifer can now pass his abilities

One thing I really appreciate about this show is that they generally give characters a reason to do plot-important things out of character (like Chloe deliberately deciding to ignore what’s sure to be an important phone call).

They interact at the end. She told Lucifer she led Ella to L.A. to be with Lucifer so her two favorite people could be together if she can’t be with either of them herself. I do hope she shows up again in 5B and/or 6. It’s also kind of interesting that Azrael never brought up her missing blade which is now in the

That effect with the frozen broken glass was pretty spectacular.

And I loved how he blithely shot himself again just to make sure.

As Latoya said, Linda once tried to call him “Amen” and it sound ridiculous hahaha. By the way, i remember in season 4 when Linda was about to her appoinment with a doctor (that moment when Amenadiel tried to propose to her) she answer him that she didnt need a husband/couple, instead she needed someone that would

This show has always been about dysfunctional family, but this season drove it home even more then ever, with the addition of Michael as the “bad twin” to disrupt everything. His ability to undermine confidence, sow doubt, create chaos, and wreck relationships with a few words was terrifying.

Maze didn’t just betray Lucifer, she was also attacking Amenadiel and complicit in Michael’s scheme with Charlie. Adding in her deception in 5.02, where her attempting to break Chloe’s heart was even less justified, she’s starting to come across as a chronic backstabber who’d hurt her friends, regardless of what they

I hope “It’s God time” is His catchphrase.

Two angels fighting?  No biggie, we’ve seen it with Lucifer/Amenadiel, Lucifer/Uriel, Amenadiel/Uriel, Amenadiel/Remiel, Lucifer/Michael, etc.  But three duking it out?  It’s God time.

That ending... never has a finale of Lucifer ever made me want to watch more Lucifer!!! Terrific.

It was excatly my thought, “this guy is waay to perfect to Ella, and practically equal to her” in a show where complements and contrast are the rule thats quite suspicious. Any way, i also was wondering the need to find her a partner, i belive she is fine all by her own

Mrs Lizardo and I had pretty much the same discussion as soon as he showed up in more than one episode.  He was beyond just “nice” and well into the realm of “creepy.”

Kudos to the make-up artist who took the time to glue sequins in a careful line down Maz’s eyebrow scar.