destructive recovery

IDK, is someone is 90% full lesbian it’s probably easier to just tell people that and avoid a bunch of dudes hitting on them when they only really had a 10% chance.

But please stop letting women who fuck or date men in a non-sex work setting call themselves lesbians.

It never made sense that a guy who’s too inattentive to figure out where his girlfriend’s clit is would be clever enough to figure out a pithy phrase that acronyms out to CLIT (Confusedly Licking Inner Thigh?).

I call mine the Magic School Bus, because it’s designed to “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”

I think it’s hard to think of any degree of delusional “dickful thinking”, as Savage puts it, that guys wouldn’t actually do. Like, when we were just out of college, my sister (who still looks a lot younger than she is) told me that when she’d go out to bars, there was always at least one guy who’d start out telling

Ha!  How many dudes do you know?  I’d wager 20% of them think their dick could end wars and famine and could equally sway a lesbian.

Yeah, they were. Trust me. 

We breeder boys have had Hot Lesbian Acquaintance or Friend as a white whale for time immemorial. Come on now. It’s testosterone’s side effect of superiority-complex hormones plus destructive man-splaining all in one. Source: My dumb ass 15 years ago for losing an incredible friend by convincing myself that I indeed

They totally were. SO MANY guys think they have a magic dick. Or a magic duck, which is what I typed first, and which is honestly more likely to appeal to a lesbian.

The schools should stay closed, but this whole situation has really sucked for working parents. Schools have never been closed for more than a snow day or two in living memory. Two-income households need the schools open so the parents can focus on work, and need to keep both incomes to pay the mortgage and buy food.

I remember having an argument with my girlfriend in late 1994 about whether Dave Grohl or Tre Cool was a better drummer.

Jesus Christ man. Yes reopening schools is a gravely bad idea but there are good reasons for people to want them open whether it being worried about kids losing out on education to just needing to go to work to pay for food and have nowhere to put their kids.

I’d heard about the show for a couple years but was never that interested in it. Finally I noticed an episode was on and randomly decided to give it a shot...and that episode was The Quest. After getting past the weirdness of Xena being dead (remember that TV shows back then were just starting to grow into their

Legally Blonde was basically Cher Goes to Law School, so that could have worked.  

I think there was an aspirational aspect to it, too. The characters in CLUELESS weren’t rich in the typical upper-middle class white nuclear family often represented in media at the time (90210, Dawson’s Creek, most teen rom-come). The characters were unabashedly loaded.

Hedaya’s a treasure in this movie: “I couldn’t be happier if they were based on real grades.”

I might be misremembering this a little, but Christian’s portrayal was fairly revolutionary. Not only was there no judgment about him and his lifestyle in the movie, but it didn’t trip all over itself once its revealed he’s gay either, just treated the whole thing in such a pragmatic manner.

The critics hated this film when it was released, and I could never understand why. Not a perfect film by any means, but very entertaining and rewatchable. I wonder if they simply couldn’t get past the gimmicks, both the multiple endings and the fact that it was based on a board game. I know that doesn’t seem so

Or more to your last paragraph - just take existing stories, and change ‘Lance’ to ‘I’. The to-be-cucked partner doesn’t need to know it’s made up.