"timey-wimey" came from the RTD era…
"timey-wimey" came from the RTD era…
Actually I was fearful they'd go with a toddler next time…
Actually, I think that this might alter the series a tad. Let's face it - Capaldi is much older than the last few Doctors have been (I'd argue the oldest since at least Pertwee) and so that will change the basic tension on the show. Thankfully we might see the end of the "shipping" of the Doctor and the companions……
Plus… Capaldi has had a role quite close to the Doctor.
Rose was actually a lot of fun - for the first two seasons. And then her name just started casting a pall over the entire show because RTD seems to have a genetic flaw that doesn't allow him to say final goodbyes to characters… I fel the same way abotu Rose by the end of RTD's time as I felt about the Daleks - great…
I'm curious. He is a decent actor in what i have seen him in and I think he will do well in the role. I also notice that they went older this time, which is good… The show was starting to skew way to obviously to the younger crowd in recent years with Tenant and Smith (Both VERY good in the role but still… let's be…
One of the problems in this era of Who was the use of those extra characters. I liked them all well enough (Even Adric surprisingly enough) but they didn't seem to actually DO anything. Nyssa sat around in the TARDIS 90% of the time, Adric bumbled around getting caught and Tegan just complained. Really - if the show…
I always had this opinion of Londo that he was MUCH more intelligent and insightful than the circumstances allowed him to show. I suspect that by his second meeting with Morden he knew what was going on and that it was going to lead to nothing fun for him but he also had a feeling that he was on a rail and couldn't…
But are they really "Sinister"? I mean (And this has SPOILERS so if you haven't seen further ahead do not read) neither the Shadows or the Vorlons were entirely good or bad. For that matter, those moral definitions don't really enter into their actions. The Vorlons think one thing, the Shadows another - that's it.…
You know, that line about Stephens career always struck me the same way. I mean, Stephen is now living in basically a different country that has no direct ties back to Earth - diplomatically or socially. I have a feeling that, beside that, an addiction to stims isn't as big of a career-breaker.
Hey - I kinda liked "Drawn Together" (It had a weird pull on me). I saw this n the XBox and this is… This is definitely below "Drawn Together" (Not like DT was all that "good" but it is better than this thing).
I think I have to agree. I don't have kids but I am pretty sure that if I did and one of them was in an accident with a kid I already disliked then I'd go nuclear on the other kids parent as well as that kid… and I don't think it would matter if all that happened was a sprained ankle. Let's face it - Lorelai is cool…
You know, I never quite figured out why TV equates "Writing in a book" to "Being smart"… I have read "Slaughterhouse 5" as well as the others that TV thinks is for smart people and I have never had to make notes to keep the plot or book in my mind. I've never had to write in the margins to tell myself what I think… I…
I think that the problem is that the show just so over-used Bender in the last couple seasons that he just isn't that interesting anymore… That's my basic problem anyway…
I actually had to look them up on wikipedia…
Arguably the most popular? My god - Wally West has been the Flash since before most AVClub members were born. Nobody cares about Allen.
You know… I never noticed that before but you are right - there is a definite lack of animals. There is also a lack of insect life.
Not yet - it's been a slog to be honest. Good writing but a boring plot.
I can almost see a way to do this as a continuing show. The dome would have to go but I can sort of see a way to get rid of the dome and still have the show make sense… Think of "Quarantine" by Greg Egan…
"To have a protagonist who always gets what he wants with little to no resistance is terrible storytelling. "