
Dickie Roberts opened number one at the weekend box office. I think it was a dead period of the year, but still.

And the Social Security Office never knows the difference.

I agreeā€”no fun at any concert. That fucking band blows.

I put my chained wallet in my front pocket. Back pocket wallets always seemed like a terrible idea to me (although there is no real use for back pockets anyway).


Well, I'm not going to beg for an invite, but . . .

I also really liked the new Jesse Malin album.

I believe that should be "WillHarrisInGermany".

Imagine any song by anyone else. Wow.

If you have NPR on in your car, you deserve every horrible thing that can happen to you.

And probably not "w" either.

I still can't figure out why I don't like this guy. But I really don't like this guy.

He still won't admit the correct pronunciation is "Bubble."

He is the only one with an insulting nickname.

Sorry to hear your parents' hardware store went out of business, Mr. Jean.

Remember when they gave Mr. T. and Farrah Fawcett reality shows? They'll pretend they didn't, but the crimes of history must be remembered.

The show she did as a near-ninety year-old was called "Here's Lucy."

Do you mean Top of the Heap?

There's an abandoned building I sometimes drive by that still has an RIPD poster advertisement on the outside. Somehow it seems appropriate. It's also possibly the only evidence that movie existed.

I doubt there's going to be a further pick-up, unfortunately, as any future owner would have to deal with the fourth season's Silence of the Lambs rights ownership issue in addition to expensive production costs and low ratings.