
They'd risk more attacks if they didn't win the war quickly.

I'll be sitting here… alone… as the only person who liked this episode/season.

It'd also explain why Indra chose Octavia as her second.

Do you know the way to San José?

The singing partner wheel should've been a sonic screwdriver.
They wasted a hell of an opportunity, smh.

This season has been amazing, this episode included.
The reviewer and some of the readers, are letting out their season 5 rage out now and can't even realize that this is what GLEE used to be.
Sure, the musical numbers have been bad but that's its only negative attribute right now.

I agree. This season is being really fun and enjoyable to watch!

I really loved this episode. REALLY loved it, I give it an A.
The show is more… GLEE, if you know what I mean.
The jokes were funny, VA were absolutely horrible (let's forget about that), Sue's rant was amazing, I'm surprisingly fine with Samchel (you might say I ship them), Sue shipping Klaine is hilarious, Becky in

Oh, I thought he was talking about the Spanish teacher guy from like season 2.
Speaking of Puck, he really needs to wear some actual clothes.

But is there a canon reason why she's gone?

We need to give this season some credit!

In what part did latino man appear on this episode?

I loved these two episodes (trying to forget the previous seasons' bullshit), but I must say, those Take on me paper effects were hilariously bad.


What even happened to Sugar? Where did she go?

I agree, "I Know Places" is my favourite song on the album! I pretty much like every single song on the album, even "Welcome to New York" (I've learned to enjoy it).
"This Love" is kind of weak though - skip most of the time.

I feel bad for the guy, with everyone calling him a pedo and all.

I really like Black Mirror but this episode wasn't as good as the other ones. It just didn't feel believable like most of the other episodes did (I'm looking at you, Waldo).

Any other possibilities other than Oliver injecting himself with Mirakuru (which would explain the terrible fighting) and the Lazarus Pit?

I give it an A. My favourite episode is either this one or "15 Million Merits".