
I think Det. Lance knows Oliver is the Arrow. But Oliver isn't ready to tell him, or want him to know and so Lance is respecting that. With Roy its like, whatever I know you are Roy. That's why Lance always says any word from our friend , and not Arrow or Oliver. He knows Oliver has been through a lot and is helping

Laurel had a flashback about the day Sarah left with Oliver on the boat.

They aren't partners, he is getting some sword training from him. Katana told him its the only way.

Exactly, and he learned something while away, that needs some more help with his sword play. Malcolm got them into this mess. Getting some help from him should be okay. As long as they aren't going out for beers and playing pool afterward. Felicity is wrong. But like I said Oliver did a piss poor job explaining

Felicity was way overreacting. But hey people do that sometimes. But I agree Oliver did a piss poor job of explaining himself. He isn't going incahoots with Malcolm. They aren't best buds. He isn't condoning anything Malcolm stands for. He is getting some sword fighting lessons from him so he isn't impaled and thrown

I thought Malcolm's friend at the funeral was Olivers dad. Tommy and Ollie were standing 50 feet away. Those were the only four left at the funeral.

Rest up Ms Shaw

Yeah but they are always in crisis mode with Olivia Pope. Now she is taken, now what. What do you do? Who takes charge? Far more interesting and watching Olivia try to escape from a fake jail

So you are saying that watching her in a cell for a least a week and trying to escape, and eating rice, going to the bathroom, and pointless dream sequences was a better story, than having the great cast of characters in Washington go into crisis mode. It would have been amazing to see everyones immediate reactions

I think it was the best episode of the show. However without what came before, there couldn't be this. So its hard for me to say its my favorite. So if this was the only episode you ever saw its not the best, because only a true viewer would appreciate every little aspect that made this great. I think there are other

This was my favorite episode since season one.

Also, why did they have her escape using a gun. Because her then dropping the gun like," I couldn't possibly need this anymore" is absolutely idiotic. She deserves to die just for that. And she just goes with the guy without a fight. He wasn't pointing a gun on her. She had a chance. Now they will screw up and show

Yeah they missed the boat. This week should have been more everyone going frantic, and wtf are we going to do. Her in jail and the reveal should be next week. It had 30 minutes of filler on a premiere. I was disappointed.

Really didn't like this one. The whole time I was frustrated that we waited all this time and its a standalone episode with no tie in too all that just happened so far this season. Its like they rebooted the season. Plus it was nonsense for 50 minutes til the big reveal. The preview for next week was my favorite part

Four other shows this week got a flat A. This reviewer is just spoiled because this show is so consistently great.

Yeah true, but the reviewer gave episode 2 this season an A- and by comparison this episode is clearly better. If ratings mean anything at least give this a flat A. Anyways the only thing that could have made this episode better would have been if Root gently kissed Shaw after knocking her out. I'm mean off camera I

So what does this show have to do to get an A+. This was one of the top 5 episodes of any show this fall so far. Elias dying would have been more dramatic an gotten a higher grade, but we need him alive to go full badass Michael Corleone again.AV club did this with Homeland this week after having the best episode

Yes this was a throwaway episode. But I'm surprised at all the negativity. For a standalone episode before a week off and a crossover, I was pretty happy. It had hot crazy bad chick for the guys, ray on salmon ladder for girls. It got the Felicity falls for Ray and Oliver overreacts out of the way in an episode that