
Well, fair enough, but that doesn't negate the point he was making, and I don't think predisposes him to not realizing she's center right.
Although with how far right the actual right is going these days that center line is in a different place than it was 30 years ago.

Ladies and gentlemen, President Martin Shkreli!

Language evolves like biology does.

Interesting! I'm a language nerd so I love stuff like that.

I think that's why he pointed out she'd be attacked by the left too.

Yeah I have to agree with you here. After Obama the intransigence was being rewarded (they blocked a SCOTUS nomination and got away with it for one) I think Clinton would have been hamstrung by a House and Senate with nearly zero incentive to work with her. I still wish she had won for the one or two or three things

Well, that does happen to be true.

Different program, two different locations.

Oh, sorry. Story I hadn't heard. Here it comes I guess.

You're claiming Bee wants to desegregate? Like she was for Plessy v. Ferguson.? Cause that's the first I've heard of that. Unless you think she is the reincarnation of George Wallace or something. That's a theory I hadn't heard.
EDIT: Ok I googled the story, one until now I hadn't heard. So I'm up to date now.

It started out good, but now it's like that Seinfeld episode where they find out George isn't handicapped and want him to leave his job.
"I'm like a weed in Hitler's bunker!"

That you know of.

Nope, that was Elegant Victorian Lady. Though I believe they know each other (canon)

You're missing out on some hilarious television.

If that happened, lets just say it would be a good thing they were under a waterfall.

Agree with you on Sandler Depp I can take or leave, but I thought Kelly did a really good job on Big Little Lies.

Yeah, fat suit is lazy and just not at all funny.

Now I want to see an episode of Mad Men with Alec Baldwin as a competing ad exec.

I've never seen Waterworld, what do you think went wrong there?It sounds like kind of a cool concept to me.

I think present day Stern is a bit of a different beast than Shock Jock Terrestrial Radio Stern. I've listened to both, and I find the old version less listenable than the new one. He's matured, and therapy has helped. Still funny, but yeah mainly I wish I could just listen to his interviews. If he ever retires, I