Invisible Swordsman

RZA has the crazy homeless guy philosophy locked down. This interview is all kinds of awesome:

I'll add my outrage about no Tool. List is incomplete with out Third Eye.

But my question is where would I file this game alphabetically?

Its a high school movie, and at its core its about fitting in during high school. ND embodies and exaggerates all the uncomfortable habits teenagers have going from child to adult. He's looked down on and picked on by other in his school, but we can see from our perspective, that the bullies are no less nerdy than

Am I wrong or was the Democratic Party left for dead just 4 years ago? This was right after Bush Jr. won the second time, and even though he was unpopular, the Republicans controlled congress. Now conservatism is dead? Perhaps we should announce the death of highly hyperbolic and illogical book titles.

My first trip to China we had dinner at the Hong Kong airport, and sitting between the noodle stands and tea shop was a Popeye's Chicken. I was all over that shit. Best part was trying to explain to my Chinese co-workers how ghetto Popeye's is in the US.

Iggy Pop's "Lust for life" after Trainspotting
Ray Charles after "Ray" came out
and didn't all the Doors albums chart on Billboard during the late 80's for no reason?

you know, if you look at the picture at the beginning of the article, I see a Jim Carrey bio-pic in the works…

Nine Inch Nails

List is incomplete without Wild Hogs

Imaginary gunfights with my brothers was never the same after watching Remo. Evertime one of us whould shoot at the other, he'd dodge to the left, and proclaim he could hear some fucking tendon in our wrist squeezing before we got off the shot.

That's the problem with people with radical political agendas, they're never satisfied

ur brain dead

What about the fact Michelle Yeoh is from Malaysia? What kind of shitty casting is that

Alice in Chains?
Perhaps not great enough?

The Matrix definitely belongs on the list. The themes of human's uneasiness with computers taking over their lives, uneasiness about how well civilization was going at the end of the '90's, or even Neo as the Christ figure survive well after the movie is over. Even the sequels grow on you, and develop the idea that