
In addition to leaving the comb, Hannibal also took off George's grounding wire so the static would create a spark.

Garak does not thank O'Brien for saving his life - Garak would never do that.  They were talking about Garak's injuries, and Garak said "if I had been any closer to that phaser it would have killed me".  O'Brien replied "That was the idea", and Garak says he understands.

@eric827:disqus  - I don't know much about musicals, but I like them.  The first time I saw Phantom I loved it.  I saw it again a couple months later (same touring company, different city) and couldn't stand it.  Same thing happened with the movie Independence Day.  Maybe people with less experience don't see the

I have not seen any episodes of The New Normal but I can guarantee that 1600 Penn was worse.

@avclub-f336f687c802c5fb53f586a467b03580:disqus , both Sally's and Mitchell's storylines were contrived so Sally could discover Don's affair.  Don helped Mitchell so Sylvia would get back together with him, after all.

You think The Mountain is dead, @avclub-0c333eba405e0d3fbf0142859f653b99:disqus ?  I'm not so sure - maybe Qyburn worked some of his magic.

It depends.  If Sarah and Helena are fraternal twins (the scientists implanted multiple eggs, each with its own DNA barcode, and two survived), then yes, the medical tests would have shown a clone they didn't know about.  If Sarah and Helena are identical twins (the scientists implanted one egg which split into two in

Also, isn't this the first time Will has eaten with Hannibal?  The shared secret about Abigail has finally drawn him in.

The space station is under joint Bajoran/ Federation control.  Actually selling arms there would have been illegal under Federation law, and Bajor probably couldn't have intervened then.  Since Quark was skirting the law with the holosuite, Bajor was able to convince Sisko to leave him alone.

Definitely.  But fair isn't funny.

As soon as Marion Ross said "Class Historian"  I remembered the election.  That was four years ago?  Wow.

I'm like you - stopped watching after the Oliver Platt death fakeout.  Glad to know it was the right decision.

@Prole Ho: I thought they did address more regenerations when River saved The Doctor's life.  She gave him all of her regenerations, which is why she died at The Library.  She had no regenerations left and he can regenerate another 12 times.

Oops, wrong place.

Root took Harold and moved to her right - escaping to "3:00".

Exactly -  I mean, look how well Cassidy's long-distance relationship with her last boyfriend turned out!

You're being really hard on John Lithgow.  He was just a man who was devastated by his son's death and overreacted to protect his daughter and the rest of the kids in his town.

Really?  It seems to me he's got the tired role of (Alien) Mob Boss.  When he pulled out all the crap about "respect", I just cringed.  "I started from nothing, and became rich and powerful by intimidation, murder, and by being behind every illegal and/or immoral thing in this town that can turn a profit!  I am

I was wondering about that line because Mike had said earlier that he had to drive an hour and a half to meet with Tag.  It must be 170 miles round trip.

His eyes glowed blue, which is probably close enough.