I'm Fozzie on their reasoning.
I'm Fozzie on their reasoning.
". . .and now, friends, a few words for Hi-Health dietary supplements, and then for the Federal Trade Commission."
"You think HE likes ham? Wait 'til you see ME like ham!"
ABC's Thursday is really How To Get Away With Murder, amirite, bros?
"And now you know . . . the rest of the story."
Arrow of Time returning for record 13,772,059,213th season
You can lose your mind
When traumas are two of a kind
Yes, but what about Austin?
Yeah, it's going to be unrealistic no matter what when it's rendered in ink and pen. But nothing is sacrificed with the second Daria drawing.
Yeah, and he's not presented as a sexy ideal to strive for.
I get the point of what they're trying to do — anorexia and bulimia are self-evidently awful and the more we can celebrate actual body types the better — but at the same time, I don't know any teenagers who feel body-shamed by Shaggy.
How is Calvin not wheelchair-bound?
Whit Stillman's The Last Days of Darcy
That's my secret, Peter: I'm always holy.
Sadly, it did not go out a Wenner.
"Tonight on Biography: F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tomorrow: funnyman Foster Brooks!"
"How dare you accurately quote my past statements."
I'm going to date myself here:
Famous line, but then look at the ending, which even Hemingway felt was a cheat. And you get there through a few barely-related scenes.
There's a lot of contrivance, and you don't really see the character growth that distinguishes a great novel.