Put your faith in God; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.
Put your faith in God; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.
Glad that Bob Gunton was not being obtuse.
It's no 'deal," amirite, kids?
It's a great movie. The guy casually showing that he knows how a switchblade actually works sticks with me still. It's a quiet example of how "common sense" is an excuse for not examining your assumptions, as well as a revelation of the difficulties the juror had growing up.
She never sleeps, the Grey. She is dancing, dancing. She says she will never die.
"All those things are terrible, but they're not ironic." — every English major on every American college campus, 1996.
"Very good. Nuke 'em."
I want to know more.
To your jets, Committee of Public Safety!
Because Don's pig-headedness cost her a lot of money that was the one slightly redeeming aspect of that deeply degrading situation.
Sincere question: are criminal charges against Cosby still possible, or has the statute of limitations expired on that?
Star Conference: Return to Committee
Fair. I note the hubris in the statement though; the Sulzbergers were notably resistant to money.
Eh. I thought I heard a subtext of "those Jews will do anything for money" in Hobart's remarks.
When Hobart says he could get Mein Kampf "printed on the front page of The New York Times, is he:
Drifter shows up at McCann claiming to be Don Draper; everyone shrugs and brings him into the Nabisco meeting.
When you stare into Pete's hairline, remember that it stares into you.
Well, to be sure, Don casually dumped the Jaguar account that had only been secured by Joan sleeping with that horrible dealer. I'd be furious with him, too.