The Elusive Robert Denby

Oh yeah. For example, there are no brassy, jazzy kicklines in Fiddler on the Roof.

Worth noting that Hollywood studios (esp. in the 30s and 40s) were far bigger; far more profitable from their ownership of theaters and put out way more movies per year. There were a larger number of creative opportunities in a much-less fractured media landscape.

I love "Everything Is Awesome," and yet I can't help but remember that the movie puts it on the same level as Where Are My Pants?, which was shut out of the Emmys.

Those really aren't Broadway as they are Hollywood's thoughts as to what Broadway is. All of the nuances are cast out.

You betrayed me, Loki. You broke my heart.

"No, I didn't go into the cemetery. I could say goodbye from out here."

St. Amontillado's Fire

(Bill Simmons hits refresh on YouTube 1,000 times.)

12345 — ha! They'll never crack that one! Thanks, Lifelock!

It might be more accurate to say it's about freedom of expression outside the 1st Amendment: The right of individuals to communicate ideas without fear of physical, emotional or professional harassment.

This whole Interview saga is going to make a great Peter Biskind book someday.

Re: Citizen Kane. That was because William Randolph Hearst dubbed a lot of his newspapers "American" (eg New York American). It was as much a reference to Hearst's self-image as anything else.

This Jesus screams at tax collectors and praises the entrepreneurial spirit of the merchants in the Temple.

Was there a lot of gunplay in The Prince of Tides?

Thomas Kincade also spit on his paintings a lot.

Nick — were we rolling on the rehearsal?

"Matt, who are you kidding? You never went to Castleton."

"No — SLOWER! More bandy-legged!"

Star Wars: When The Force Awakens In The Morning And The Alarm Gives Out A Warning I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Make It On Time, By The Time I Grab My Books And I Give Myself A Look I’m At The Corner Just In Time To See The Millennium Falcon Fly By.
Glad to see Fiona Apple sold her screenplay.

At this point, I hadn't yet reacted.