jacobs cabin fever

I thought that Faraday started off this season completely in control and not wishy-washy at all— my friends and I even commented that he had finally stopped mumbling and was explaining things like a real professor (like the record-skipping, etc.). I don't think Faraday / Davies was one note— even at the beginning of

I don't know— I wonder if you watched the episode again, knowing that everything she says to Daniel is with the knowledge that she is going to kill her own son, you would feel differently. Some of what she says could come from a place of worrying about him loving a woman and then widowing her (and maybe orphaning

I'm not saying that they aren't willing to do it (I think they're willing to do lots of things that other shows aren't, which is why they surprise me a lot!), just that I personally really can't imagine the show ending without Jack. I agree that Jack is that type to make the big sacrifice— I just think that their

Oh, excellent. Thanks for correcting me. That's a long night of Lost.

I agree that his criticisms are hypocritical now, although they weren't when Jack et al first arrived in 1977 and Sawyer had everything under control.

Yeah, I too was really hoping someone would get a good shot on Radzinsky even though I know he lives to go to the hatch… killing him would be the perfect first way to change the past, I think…

Johnny Ruin, I really like that idea. I don't think it's too spoilery for me to mention that I read an interview with Lindeloff (sp?) and Cuse that said that there's an endgame to the series that we wouldn't have any real way of expecting yet, so maybe this is an opening to introduce that.

life without Faraday
Perfect ending tonight. I'm a little concerned with how they're going to handle next week now that Faraday is dead, though— the teaser of Jack being like, "well, if we just follow what it says in his journal, we can do it!" was so ridiculous. I have a feeling Faraday's journal isn't filled with

That line was my favorite, too.

@Charles Haley, yes, him getting into the game is, but then he makes the tackle. That, I think, is the pay-off.

I didn't notice that— good catch.