
so his parents conceived him after he was born?  crazy.

be a dick to joan?  oh, smoke some weed and chill the fuck out.  i realized that as i was typing the reply.  some folks gotta self-medicate for depression/anxiety with the ganja.  pete had a pretty great look on his face when he was blowing that smoke out.  hopefully the thc is just what he needed to get his brain

alison might not be the only one that shops at "spies and shit" or wherever she went to get the nannycam earlier in the season.  maybe that's how she knew chad was always cheating…

yeah, i know that this is ridiculous, but i think the most interesting part of the thought experiment for us is to imagine the political/legal consequences in a world where the clones have become "self-aware" and maybe even "out of the closet."  how hard is it to believe in a dystopian world not too many more steps

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus , agree about juries made up of real, thinking, caring human beings would never agree with a judgment that gave a corporation property control over a cloned "specimen" instead of recognizing a sarah manning as an actual "person."  unfortunately for the clones in this

eh, i really wanted to see catelyn rip her own face off with her fingernails.  that is just about as brutal as it gets.

nailed it!

yeah, ask walter white about that tactic.

that guy is amaaaaaaaazing!  best part of the movie, no doubt.

like a caveman?

yeah, that's the biggest thing i've noticed with these episodes as well.  folks got all mumbly and shit.  they need to practice their elocution.

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus , sounds like a TVDW review to me!

well, you see, father abraham had MANY sons, not SEVEN.  i am one of them, and so are you, so let's all praise the lord!  all this not laughing and not crying is kinda weird, i'd say.

ha yeah, once Bob bumps off Joan, it's time for a good old-fashioned O.R.P.H.A.N.G.R.A.B.

i want to know what's going on with jaime and cersei and brienne and tyrion and davos and arya etc etc.  what's happening to them, what they are going through, how they react to it.  it's called "game of thrones," not "dragons and battles and shit"

30 cock?  30 ronk?  what am i missing?

i'm drawing a blank here, when was ginsberg obsessed with rape?

yeah, they had a pretty good run off breadway.

yeah, with so many authors leaving the site, i'm hoping that the next round of hiring will include a "have you read all of the asofai books, and can you write the experts review as if you actually give a shit about the material?"  hoping for a new reviewer next year…