
Not true, Walt hasn't killed any children and he stood up for Jesse when the kid did get killed.

Skyler's car wash idea was good.  Even better now that the money is a manageable size.

Skyler's car wash idea was good.  Even better now that the money is a manageable size.

I think Walt made it pretty clear that he killed Fring; maybe she doesn't know the details, but she knows Walt killed Fring.

I think Walt made it pretty clear that he killed Fring; maybe she doesn't know the details, but she knows Walt killed Fring.

They're not fucked, but they will be dealing with radiation issues for years to come.  More like cancer and birth defects than people dying of radiaton poisoning outright.

They're not fucked, but they will be dealing with radiation issues for years to come.  More like cancer and birth defects than people dying of radiaton poisoning outright.

I like picking apart movies, especially movies that I like.  It's fun to point out what's stupid, nonsensical, but also what was awesome.

I like picking apart movies, especially movies that I like.  It's fun to point out what's stupid, nonsensical, but also what was awesome.

Isn't that what he sets on fire?

Isn't that what he sets on fire?

She does look thin and sick, like she's not eating, but that ties into her situation rather than just a comment on her attractiveness in general.

She does look thin and sick, like she's not eating, but that ties into her situation rather than just a comment on her attractiveness in general.

See last week's comments, someone actually made a pretty specific breakdown of what happened to the money.  One thing to note is that he didn't actually work for Gus all that long, they mention in this episode that it's only been a year since Walt got diagnosed with cancer so he was working for Gus for much less than

See last week's comments, someone actually made a pretty specific breakdown of what happened to the money.  One thing to note is that he didn't actually work for Gus all that long, they mention in this episode that it's only been a year since Walt got diagnosed with cancer so he was working for Gus for much less than

I didn't mean the actor, I meant the character and if you don't have any interest in the characters then why watch the show?

I didn't mean the actor, I meant the character and if you don't have any interest in the characters then why watch the show?

I'm gonna rewatch it to focus on Hank's face.  While I haven't seen the inklings that Hank is on to Walter, it does seems like something the show has to address at some point unless they're going to neuter Hank's character.

I'm gonna rewatch it to focus on Hank's face.  While I haven't seen the inklings that Hank is on to Walter, it does seems like something the show has to address at some point unless they're going to neuter Hank's character.

Seriously, what kind of review doesn't mention that the show isn't just like real life.  Hydrochloric acid in a high school!!! I almost threw up when I saw that.