Cesare the Somnambulist

Dr. Wally, I think that claim is problematic.

The drum loop is just the opening of the Syl Johnson track, slowed down. You can hear Syl Johnson's grunt and the beginning of the whooping that comes right after.

Oh shit, now I have a new soundtrack, if you know what I mean.

Waitaminit. I guess I want to say some things, but first I need to mention again that, technically, the arguments we're talking about aren't logical. If we're talking about reason more generally, fine.

If you're talking about objective value, it doesn't. But it has value for us, which is what's important.

A lot of it is rhetorical/political, I think. Dawkins has talked about his friend who calls himself a "tooth-fairy agnostic," meaning the guy thinks there's as much reason to believe in God as there is to believe in the tooth fairy.

The simple answer is that human life is valuable because we humans value it.

How could theologians have anything to say about the existence of God? Do they have some kind of magical access that the rest of us don't? Also, the arguments involved aren't logical, at least deductively, so I don't know what logicians would have to say about it either.

I think the quote is from Arthur C. Clarke. And what's silly about the word "hijack"?

There's also the fact that Walter caused Jane's death. If you remember, she was the one who told Jesse they needed to sleep on their sides in case they vomited. When Walter is in the bedroom, he shakes Jesse trying to wake him up, and in the process he pushes Jane onto her back.

Shit, I hit REPLY on the wrong post.

Ah. I guess I agree, especially if we're talking about art, where Freud's ideas are somehow still influential. At any rate, I'd imagine, or hope anyway, that in a couple hundred years Freudian psychoanalysis will be a footnote.

"By becoming a part of our intellectual history, it's become a part of the truth."

I won't have you running down logical positivism along with all that other foolishness! First of all, it was a 20th-century movement. Second, verificationism may or may not be plausible as a theory of meaning, but the motivating concerns—and the conclusions about what areas of study have any hope of being fruitful—are

Edit: I clicked on the wrong button. How embarrassing.

For balance: I think Fast Food Nation is one of the worst movies I've seen in a movie theater, and I would never recommend it to anyone.

Oh right, i forgot Traffic was based on a miniseries.

Wait, what? There's Solaris, Ocean's Eleven,and… what else?


My irony meter is broken.
Is that Puff Puff Give thing funny on purpose?