
@JackyPaperJohnson - I haven't worked in film, but I have to call shenanigans on the completely alien nature of the film business to what I do. Bale is still a person, the DP is still a person, and no person deserves to be treated like that over something so inconsequential.

Ah! Forgive the mistake in nationality, if Canada be it. I know it's still of the crown and all, but I meant no nationalistic offense, as my wife and I have enjoyed traveling there.

I think Bellona is British (forgive me Bellona if I am incorrect, but I guessed based on your spelling of favorite), so she wouldn't count in the "American tart." Also, although I was being snarky earlier, I sincerely don't know who this Belladonna is that your referring to. A quick computer trick (ctrl-f) will show

You can contextualize Bale's comments all you want, but that tirade is really only warranted if you've just had a death in the family, going through a nasty divorce, etc. And even then, that really only excuse a short outburst, not his rampage.

Who is this Belladonna person? And what has she done to raise the ire of Tarkovsky's former Athletic Director?

@Econ 101 - let me rephrase. Of course it's important from an economic standpoint. I meant it more philosophically. Money does not importance make, especially when it comes to human decency, I believe.

@Thomas - it doesn't matter that such behavior has been going on as long as Hollywood has been around, people still deserve at least a modicum of mutual human respect, no matter what they do for a living. And again, as it's been stated above by several commenters, it's not like the DP physically attacked Bale or

I think that if you're going to go that overboard over something as minor as Bale did, you're just a pretty awful person. And as I've read this thread, it seems that some folks seem to be equivocating expense with importance—just because the new Terminator movie represents a lot of money, it doesn't raise the

That's my problem with the whole sandwiches thing. It implies that future Marshall wants to gloss over some unsavory aspects of his past for his kids, but shacking up with "Aunt Robin" appears not to be an issue. Again, I know it's network censorship that really causes this, but the sandwiches joke just isn't worth

I think that I would be quite creeped out if my dad told me that he had an arrangement to bang my "Aunt Robin" at any time. I think that would forever warp your opinion of your father, mother, and "aunt," no?

I think the whole sandwiches angle is funny, but the internal logic of future Ted using it as a story-telling device doesn't make any sense. Why, when he's talking to his kids, does he use sandwiches to cover up marijuana, but he is completely fine talking about all of the casual sex going on? I know that it has

You're roasted, gimmick cinema!

Boom, you're roasted, Brendan Fraser!

As long as they don't add other throwback gimmicks. I couldn't handle Smell-o-vision.

Glasses ooooooooonnnnnnnn.

I saw Captain Eo at Epcot Center when I was a kid. If 3-D did not improve Michael Jackson, it can improve nothing else.

3-D is only acceptable…
if you have Frazzles, the Channel 101 squirrel, tell you when to put your glasses on.

Did anyone else see the Pepsi/SNL commercial, MacGruber during the game? I was quite confused when it came on as a stand-alone, because it was on SNL's episode from Saturday. Also, there were several follow on MacGruber "episodes" during SNL that had MacGruber (aka Pepsuber) becoming more sold out to Pepsi.

National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes?

Fro Whom teh Bell Tolls is the best thing I've heard all day. Thanks Bourne!