they got a lot of… chutzpah.
they got a lot of… chutzpah.
This list should be The Thick of It one hundred times.
what part of not optional do you motherfuckers not understand
Oh God, he is so good in that movie, he redeems the whole thing. I need to go watch that again.
If Breaking Bad doesn't count Hannibal sure does.
And she's so horrible in most of the movie that that one moment of surprisingly well-acted evilness is pretty shocking.
@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus Oh, I'd totally disagree with that. The sketches are hit and miss but there are less of those as it goes on; the actual stories themselves are often hilarious, though. Maybe it depends on your love for *Rich Fulcher.
I'll level with you, Roy: I don't think I'll flourish in a prison environment.
I just realized watching the new Dredd movie last night that at one point the hacker character is listening to the theme song from Snuff Box real quietly and it completely destroyed my mind.
My love of Chris Morris is near pathological, but I don't think the script really fit with his character either.
What's this from? I know it's from something, right?
If an older guy with a younger female companion is the problem, I would warn you not to watch any of the old episodes of Doctor Who. Also, don't remember that he's, you know, hundreds of years old.
Well, Eccleston was my Doctor, and I have no fondness for him, so there are exceptions.
I'm really surprised to see so many people hating Moffat. Out of curiosity, are you Moffat haters old series fans, or just the new one?
I really cannot exaggerate how much I hate fucking Russell T Davies. He was the absolute worst.
Death Race 2000 is a Paul Bartel movie, so it's definitely worth seeing. Also: Sylvester Stallone is the bad guy.
I'm giving you a look right now.
That's because it was supposed to be Keanu Reeves, but he turned it down, so they had to rewrite it and claim it's a new character.
and an extremely androgynous Gabriel in Constantine.