Sorry. Sorta hard to tell between sarcastic ignorance and legitimate ignorance on the Internet. (I should probably just assume it's the former.)
Sorry. Sorta hard to tell between sarcastic ignorance and legitimate ignorance on the Internet. (I should probably just assume it's the former.)
@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus I admire your commitment to telling us how much better than us you are for disliking something we like.
That was probably what Nietzsche was replicating.
It's just over an hour and a half.
This is what I'd assume: Some people knew enough to know which prisoners never got visitors and which did. The ones that never got visitors were just marked down as "transferred". The ones that got visitors - which I imagine was a minority, given how evil they're portraying most people - were "accidentally killed".…
That is the only ad I liked.
That is as low as bars go.
You were not, alas, lucky enough to escape the comment boards, it seems.
Yeah, I assume it was something about not having any possessions with histories of his own, so he stole other people's.
@avclub-48c0b3cf0c62e40eeff5a9b07a63d953:disqus Yeah, you're right. I think you guys are right and I am underestimating how many of these movies there are.
@avclub-2f3601debd0c93b60610207425c83f7e:disqus Yeah, that's it, thanks. I still sort of like that movie, honestly.
It doesn't seem large enough for a "sub-genre" for me. There are tons of indie movies that do it, yeah, but in major film companies, there's been Apollo 18, the Paranormal Activitys (Activities?), Last Exorcism, and REC, right? or are there more I've missed?
I think the entire effect of found footage is that it's the whole thing. If it was part-found and part-not it would just emphasize how poorly shot and shaky and annoying to watch the found bits are.
Rewatch the World's Greatest Dad trailer - it makes the movie look completely forgettable.
It's 12:01 here and I've already had my daily allotment of "weirdly and uncomfortably violent responses to a woman saying something dumb" from the Internet.
I understand what you mean, especially when insults are more personal, but you can tell whether or not someone is a hack by their writing, and I'd say it's fair to call Abrams a hack for those goddamn Bebop reviews.
Yeah, Craig, your comment was pretty similar in its So What?-ness.
I embarrassed myself so hard by giggling at the Cake Boss! section.
I like how they don't actually explain how she broke out of prison in that episode, as if it's a thing all prisoners could do if they wanted, but don't because they might get parole.
You can only go a few comments deep, then you can't reply anymore.