Poo McPooperson

Nathan Myhrvold is the last remaining polymath. Dude is true fucking genius.

The Lady Killers has the second best CB's soundtrack (to Oh Brother) and it is just a silly, silly movie. The thing is, that it is so damn funny and well done, in my super important opinion. They successfully made their Preston Sturges movie, which I believe that is what they set out to do, and it just floats my boat.

Intolerable Cruelty is the only Cohens I haven't seen, but I have and will continue to defend The Lady Killers till death, and even after death. I'll be a ghost and stuff and say, "Boo. The Lady Killers are awesome." The hauntees will reply by questioning my taste and telling me to screw.

The only reason I am considering Uncharted 2 is because I hoped to be playing Bioshock 2 for my end of the year cold outside snowed-in game. I was absolutely pissed to find out that it had been delayed until the first quarter of next year. Bioshock is just plain tits.

How bout Uncharted 2: Revenge of the Ballin!

I haven't played a decent game all year and think I will purchase this one, but I hope that my not playing the first doesn't kill my understanding of the plot. I heard the first was good but don't feel like, and don't have the time to go through it.

The gift certificate issue is something I have been involved from both sides (gifter and giftee), but I agree about being anti-gift for an anny to couples other than immediate family, although if it is for a 25, 30 or 50 year I understand it. Only problem is that a quarter century is fine, but what if you have some

He can be funny depend on the context, but he's just really, really great actor comrade. He's always in good in good stuff. He's good I tells ya! And he is fantastic in Hard Eight, and pretty much is that film. It's not to detract from the other elements (John C Reilly, PTA's script…etc), but anyone who wants to see a

"The show "follows two painfully cool hipster girls as they relocate from Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood to Los Angeles' Silver Lake enclave in hopes of becoming artists — of any kind."


Me Responder,

Definitely Bill Plympton. Without googling that is the name that escaped me.

I'm going to ask a question that can hopefully be answered by the animation afcianados in this thread about something unrelated to Wallace & Gromit (which I loved as a kid, but haven't rewatched). Remember Liquid Telivsion and the MTV late night spots in the early to mid 90s? Of course you do. There were color pencil

This is a Q&A close to my heart. When jogging, or using X gym machine I listen to NPR, ESPN and AVC podcasts, and music-wise mostly instrumental stuff with very few lyrics. I obsessively listen to varies songs of the below when working out.

I hope there is a method to his madness. Wakka Wakka!


Leon must live! I'm not going to pretend I can foresee what will happen, but he has to, absolutely has to be put in a room with Michael Richards and let ad libbing take its course.

Pffft more like Douchemarks.

JFC (Jesus Fucking Christ) was strange but I wanted to see it until completion. When I mentioned his name I'm thinking of Deadwood and especially the cinematography of Deadwoon. I forget who he used and don't care to look it up.

I'm not too happy about the film, which I believe is ongoing and in the planning stages. I wish someone would give Dave Milch work and have him do it as an HBO series.

More like Alopenis! Heeyooo!