This show was always a turn-off for me, but then later it was a turn-on again.
This show was always a turn-off for me, but then later it was a turn-on again.
I had Ray Bradbury. In the act of love, I mean. He was gentle, but stern.
It's the 21st century. They're not "things" anymore. Geez.
I'm pretty sure Barney Stinson owns suits more expensive than that.
"I don't want you looking at internet porn, son. Go steal some stuff. No way that can't end well."
Hey look, my home state is in the news again.
On one of the Pixies' first reunion shows, they somehow ended up opening for the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Paris. I paid like 80 euro to see an hour-long Pixies show and split the second they were done. So did like 1/3 of the crowd. Because, seriously, who gives a damn about the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
I'm sad "Rake" isn't just a show about a rake.
Good, you put on the glasses yourself. I was afraid I was going to have to beat you up for 20 minutes in a back alley.
I know those words, but that post makes no sense.
I miss a lot of things because I'm busy guffawing loudly. So many regrets.
I always thought "Parks and Recreational Sex" would be the obvious title.
I heard he's into Ozzy
Quinn was terrible, but I actually liked (and maybe I'm in the minority) the return of Victoria. I thought the mid-bulk of Season 7 was as good as anything they've done since Season 4 ("Tick… Tick… Tick…" was a stone-cold classic) and aside from a rocky start, Season 8 has been great too.
Amanda Palmer has already helped Morrissey as much as he needs by somehow being more obnoxious than Morrissey.
The same thing has happened to Ron that happens to any breakout character. He gets flanderized. He used to be more human in seasons 2-3. Now he's like some walking libertarian meat-obsessed version of a Chuck Norris joke. He basically has superhuman powers. I was half-expecting him to play mini-golf and simultaneously…
He's always been a great writer whose work suffers from lack of editing. American Gods could have lost 300 pages of the "Fargo" subplot and the Manic Pixie Dream Girl and been a waaaay stronger book. I think since "Sandman"'s success he's never really had anyone around to tell him when too much was too much —…
"Killing Meme Softly With His Song"
I am not a Russian spy, cross my heart and hope to die