"…the best since kanye's beautiful dark twisted fantasy…"
"…the best since kanye's beautiful dark twisted fantasy…"
A reasonable opinion.
The show only comes on like, every Tuesday night, soo….
Awww, you care. I think your points are on the money though (esp 1&2, 3..ehh…who cares?). It fits the m.o. of the show.
That would be plausible if the previous five seasons of SOA (or Dexter…shudders) were consistently good. SOA hasn't been compelling since season 2. I was all downhill from there. I see one of the white supremacist characters will be in the next episode. Bless his soul. Not.
Haha. I did watch it inebriated before I watched the Ray Donovan epi actually. I made that comment because that little blurb in Saraiya's review could have been written about Dexter too. Just interchange Deb for Abby. Showtime's programming seem to share motifs now and then.
The title of this episode is so meta it hurts.
CBS didn't win AF for Elissa. On balance, whatever Elissa said didn't even touch what the other HGs (not all btw, it only became all in the final weeks) said about her and her family, even after she left. No matter the edit that CBS made, plenty of viewers, esp the online folks who were most likely the voters for…
—-"I got the feeling that Spencer knew he would be playing for 2nd place if he could get in the F2."—-
"It's great stuff, and I'm almost as excited for next week's finale as I am for any TV episode I've watched in recent years."
If only it was that great.
If you're sticking with complaining about the "Brenchel Army" delivering AF ($25K by the way) to Elissa, then you're grossly ignoring the fact that the reason why Elissa was rewarded is due solely to the various HGs on BB15 who went out of their way (some more creative than other —-Amanda wins that distinction) to…
"It's a little weird that at no point did we hear GM and
Spencer tell each other "We cannot beat Andy."
I agree. I believe that there was another episode where there was a slight hint that Ray was also a victim of molestation. That being revealed in this episode wasn't unexpected for me. I will say that him shutting his wife out like that at the end was a bit revelatory. That Ray Donovan is a tough nut to crack!
Finally a decent episode.
AVC: Where did Wendy and Lizzie learn about tablescaping?
LB:I don’t know.
This season has 12 episodes? Whew…
Cat trial —- cringe worthy.
2 channels…on the internet?