Rad Pitt


I would tolerate more porn, no matter how crass, in mainstream society if it could somehow displace war-mongering and xenophobia, especially in my neck o' the woods.

Labia are a few of my favorite things …. they simply must hang around.

Sorry, but the Vegas maintenance man's gold lame overalls are at the cleaners

Agree.  Daniel Day-Lewis would be a more interesting choice for Noah, but I wonder if he would even be interested.

I hated when he was Meryl Streep's bitch …. not right!

Oh yes, …. now where is the movie about this?!


WRONG! …. that's Patty Patty Byook Byook.

3-pointer, Reg!

1 co-host vote for Lindsay Lohan.

Posted soon?!  I guess they don't know Dick!

Dave Chappelle as Angel!

Bumpin' with Tyler Perry, ya'll

Then we'll title the film, "Proyección Astral con Captain Dada"

I want to invest in this.

Epic thread …. -tr

His young pelt would make a fine dwelling.

After counseling, medication, and a couple of my Schweddy Balls, he will go to NPR.