silly buns

the person who committed the crime is still free

that would be great. Him sloppily eating a bag of chips, crashing into sets, and stripping in the audience. I would totally watch that.

but what if there is someone completely innocent locked up?

Even though they are a little older than me, I feel like I've just been put on a list for looking at that first picture.

I think they stop with the shaky cam around season two, or it has become less noticeable to me on repeat viewings.  That shit did bother me at first though.

Excuse me, my balls are really heavy, can you reach down my pants and help me out here?

Man, it's going to be hard to stop watching this show until the reviews come back. I don't have that kind of self control.

I get your point on hyperbole, this is one of the few outlets other than in person conversations we blacks have to talk about this type of thing. When we look at our situation in the world, we do get really pissed and the conversation can get pretty heated and similar to what these women say.

Damn 91 likes; I didn't even know that many different commenters read this recap.

yeah, I like their continued discussion of the current feminist movement and the community's lack of discussion for equality and representation of women of color.

Black girls talking podcast

I'm surprised/impressed you can tell seasons apart.  I just view this show as a huge glob of episodes where amazing and funny things occasionally happen.

haha, I can't wait to see how you react to turning 40, I mean forty.

Well now she's back and she's brought her mom.

let's be happy there aren't any sex dreams from human feeding, though HBO would go there.

I was expecting her to absorb his or Niall's fairy power at some point this season so the threat of losing her power wouldn't be an issue anymore

I guess he has tunnel vision, and he's also a snob, apparently.

maybe there weren't any fae females, since than gene jumps around.

@avclub-ea27c2dbc24754e3a7039c07f6c0ace4:disqus I gotcha, sorry, I was  just listening to the radio earlier and some annoying dj made a similar comment.  Sorry to lump you in with a top 40 dj.

how does that differ from, here? Oh, this board is more like 75% about man ass.