silly buns

Hey, if you guys keep writing mean things about him he will seek you out and confront you in a documentary.

You can call me Ray, and you can call me Jay, but…I forgot how the rest goes.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus  Christoph Waltz

Haha, as I reach for the remote to turn from those fat guy commercials (cause that's all I see) I always say to myself, "women, sort yourselves out."

Yeah, that's the one.  I have to turn the second I see that guy so I never see what is being advertised.

I'm not sure if this was ever covered on a past index, but those beer ads of a fat guy strutting his stuff or proudly stand on a beach to a song about being free gross me out.  Also I think about that parody ad from a British show about ads for women pointing out that you are gross and need to "sort yourself out"

At first I saw Tarantino as the type that would spit out insults while sitting in a chair, but I could see a coked up Tarantino strutting around and arguing with a black maid.  That maid would have to be Samuel L. Jackson in drag.

In like ten years someone needs to make a Grumpy old men or Odd couple type movie with Spike and Tarantino. Actually, an All in the family remake would be a better fit.



I wonder how Koski feels about this diss on nail art.  Is Amelie tryin' to start shit?

I wonder how Koski feels about this diss on nail art.  Is Amelie tryin' to start shit?

I went to the PhilaMoca thing yesterday and it was totally worth the hour drive and walk through China town at night to see them.

I went to the PhilaMoca thing yesterday and it was totally worth the hour drive and walk through China town at night to see them.

If the folks at WHM enterprises read these boards, may I suggest Boston accents for stupid people.  Or a Jerry Lewis impression.

If the folks at WHM enterprises read these boards, may I suggest Boston accents for stupid people.  Or a Jerry Lewis impression.

I …barf?

I …barf?

Yeah, the ending to the movie is summed up in the first 5 seconds of the shows intro if you are curious.

Yeah, the ending to the movie is summed up in the first 5 seconds of the shows intro if you are curious.