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    Also not a racist…

    Goddamn Homosexuals. Next thing you know there'll be some sort of stigma attached to having random, unprotected sex in highway rest stops.


    24 had 5 great years? Really? It had a few good episodes during the first five seasons but none of those seasons was great. Let's not start rewriting television history here.

    I Laughed
    Every time Megan Mullaly called him Ted. She's no Jane Lynch but she's not bad.

    He should've just made the robots Asian
    Since Asians don't really have a big advocacy group like the wops and the brothers.

    That fat kid deserves a ton of credit. His performance was amazing.

    You misspelled Denis Leary. Dummy.

    2600 pounds of Meth at approximately $40,000/lb = $104M. I would say that more than makes his lab "economically viable."

    I thought he was Obama's nephew.

    Isn't it, "Danny stop running. We have to keep our heart rates down?"

    I had just made fun of my friend for subscribing to The Economist and then bam, two weeks later this amazing point/counterpoint came out… I felt like a god.

    I'm pretty sure the Dick Towel is still this year's Dick Towel.

    This was Anthony Michael Hall's best role since Whitey Ford in 61*

    What? Martin Sheen was fucking terrible with the accent in The Departed.

    God, the moralizing at the end of each episode
    Is driving me up a fucking wall. The first 25 minutes of each show are great but the endings make me want to choke on my own fist. I don't need the last minute confessional or the voice over during the hugging. Just show the clown with the big clock and end with a

    Fuck Gay Halloweens. Whatever they put in their jungle juice makes you pass out and wake up with a sore anus.

    You're a doctor.

    There were a lot of repeat jokes across NBC tonight. At least two shows mentioned Gay Halloween.

    It was Princeton. Prison isn't funny. Have you seen Oz?