David Conrad

One of the laugh-out-loud funniest moments in all Trek, to me, is when Quark is describing his findings and Gowron is looking at the figures with a perfect blend of bafflement/horror/disgust.  Only Robert O'Reilly could have nailed that look so well.  It's one of my favorite episodes, for all the reasons mentioned in

Those are all fine rationalizations, which is also what I like to do with plot holes. :)

Those are all fine rationalizations, which is also what I like to do with plot holes. :)

I think an unfortunate recurring problem with the Dominion/Founders (and now spoiler-conscious commenters such as myself can breathe a sigh of relief and add /shapeshifters to the list) storylines is that you can too easily see the narrative seams.  Why do the Founders let them go?  Because they're in a TV show.  Why

I think an unfortunate recurring problem with the Dominion/Founders (and now spoiler-conscious commenters such as myself can breathe a sigh of relief and add /shapeshifters to the list) storylines is that you can too easily see the narrative seams.  Why do the Founders let them go?  Because they're in a TV show.  Why

NPR had a whole investigative reporting thing about CPS on Native American reservations.  It actually sounds like a somewhat legitimate concern: 

NPR had a whole investigative reporting thing about CPS on Native American reservations.  It actually sounds like a somewhat legitimate concern: 

For all the talk about how beset by delays the production was, they clocked out at 266 days, just six days over their predicted shooting schedule of 260 days.  My source for that latter number was an article from last July about a Kansas City comicon, and the link is broken now (http://www.kansascity.com/2….  Take my

For all the talk about how beset by delays the production was, they clocked out at 266 days, just six days over their predicted shooting schedule of 260 days.  My source for that latter number was an article from last July about a Kansas City comicon, and the link is broken now (http://www.kansascity.com/2….  Take my

Oh, and Monty Python?  Hell yes, I'm in!

Oh, and Monty Python?  Hell yes, I'm in!

"This time, they surgically alter a Cardassian spy to look like a former
Starfleet soldier…"

"This time, they surgically alter a Cardassian spy to look like a former
Starfleet soldier…"

I might change this order on any given day, but:

I might change this order on any given day, but:

Cardassian literature is one of those great concepts, like Klingon opera, that help make the Trekiverse so immersive and believable (at least when the viewer's imagination does a little of the heavy lifting.)  These things could have just been one-off jokes, and Trek does one-off jokes of that sort from time to time,

Cardassian literature is one of those great concepts, like Klingon opera, that help make the Trekiverse so immersive and believable (at least when the viewer's imagination does a little of the heavy lifting.)  These things could have just been one-off jokes, and Trek does one-off jokes of that sort from time to time,

"Quark trying to seduce a Vulcan woman who wants to buy weapons off him…"  Is this the scene where he tries to offer her some Romulan clams or something?  That irks me every time, because Vulcans are supposed to be vegetarians, and as a vegetarian myself I notice the inconsistency. You can explain it away by saying

"Quark trying to seduce a Vulcan woman who wants to buy weapons off him…"  Is this the scene where he tries to offer her some Romulan clams or something?  That irks me every time, because Vulcans are supposed to be vegetarians, and as a vegetarian myself I notice the inconsistency. You can explain it away by saying

Yeah, count me as a House of Quark vote, but this one is right up there.  When it takes you several seconds into the passion scene to realize that the two romantic leads are both wearing an absurd amount of prosthetics on their heads, the show has  obviously done its job.