The Gringo Kid

Saw Cheap Trick a decade ago headling Speed Week in Charlotte, and they rawked.

It’s like seeing Superman with his tights around his ankles

Just recently rewatched Empire of Passion. Great flick. Same for Cruel Story of Youth. Wish more of his stuff was easily available.

Now wait just a goshdran minute. You drop your weekly reviews of Burn Notice, then turn around and do a review of this?!

As Lester Bangs and others have pointed out, Sabbath was indeed the first Christian rock band. Go back and read the lyrics of the first album.

Agreed. Bonham is always the worst part of Zeppelin reunions. Granted, that coffin lid does put a damper on "Moby Dick."

""It’s Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, and Gerard Butler’s first record together since 1978’s 'Never Say Die!'"

This article uses a whole lot of words to basically say: Jasmine Guy.

This news is even better than watching Bama squash the Fighting Intern Killers last night!

Finally, the Beefheart article I've been wanting to see for years!

Dammit, my brothers and I loved the Easy Bake Oven. Our sisters were happy to bake us delicious cookies and cupcakes all day long after they got one for Christmas that one time.

So Academy members couldn't stomach Rob Lowe and Snow White, they hated Letterman, they despised Franco and Hathaway? They're gonna kvetch over McFarlane! "Eh, he's no Billy Crystal."

I once talked a Lutheran minister into watching Pulp Fiction with me and some buddies. He sat on the floor drinking beer and laughing his ass off.

I once talked a Lutheran minister into watching Pulp Fiction with me and some buddies. He sat on the floor drinking beer and laughing his ass off.

You left out DIY Bloodletting, Haircutting and Witch-Judging Suggestions From Theodoric of York.

You left out DIY Bloodletting, Haircutting and Witch-Judging Suggestions From Theodoric of York.

Veering a bit off the tangent, during the advent of the VCR era, my dad — who watched nothing but John Wayne movies — allowed me to talk him into watching the copy of Seven Samurai that I brought home from my college-town video store. He enjoyed it immensely, and I was immensely proud of myself.

Veering a bit off the tangent, during the advent of the VCR era, my dad — who watched nothing but John Wayne movies — allowed me to talk him into watching the copy of Seven Samurai that I brought home from my college-town video store. He enjoyed it immensely, and I was immensely proud of myself.

One year, for Mother's Day, I had my mom join me for a viewing of Irreversible. Oh, how we laughed!

One year, for Mother's Day, I had my mom join me for a viewing of Irreversible. Oh, how we laughed!