Crossover episodes galore! I wonder what Kenneth from 30 Rock will do when he misses his connection at Greendale Airport and for some reason ends up at the community college campus????
Crossover episodes galore! I wonder what Kenneth from 30 Rock will do when he misses his connection at Greendale Airport and for some reason ends up at the community college campus????
Crossover episodes galore! I wonder what Kenneth from 30 Rock will do when he misses his connection at Greendale Airport and for some reason ends up at the community college campus????
That wasn't very organic.
That wasn't very organic.
Lifebuoy. Like, in the ocean.
Lifebuoy. Like, in the ocean.
The original takes place in 1940, when Ralphie is 10, so this must be about 1946-47? I don't know enough about cars in that period to know how old it is. But, there wasn't much/any auto production during the war, right? So a used car would probably be from 1940 or earlier, since this is RIGHT after the war. Isn't that…
The original takes place in 1940, when Ralphie is 10, so this must be about 1946-47? I don't know enough about cars in that period to know how old it is. But, there wasn't much/any auto production during the war, right? So a used car would probably be from 1940 or earlier, since this is RIGHT after the war. Isn't that…
@avclub-bd5f681bd75c522cb7cbd88d22af16d5:disqus The Willard-Rubens Act
@avclub-bd5f681bd75c522cb7cbd88d22af16d5:disqus The Willard-Rubens Act
Christmas Story 2: A Visit From Jack Kerouac (it's a little weird)
Christmas Story 2: A Visit From Jack Kerouac (it's a little weird)
Imagine what happened to that poor boy! He probably had an icepack stuffed down his pants the entire next day.
Imagine what happened to that poor boy! He probably had an icepack stuffed down his pants the entire next day.
I hope they use stock footage of LA from actual old 70s TV shows to give it an air of verisimilitude.
I hope they use stock footage of LA from actual old 70s TV shows to give it an air of verisimilitude.
I don't think anybody's suggesting that nobody try. I think the suggestion is that it's not entertaining to watch people complain about how they tried, failed, but believe that the world owes them something more anyway because they are so special.
I don't think anybody's suggesting that nobody try. I think the suggestion is that it's not entertaining to watch people complain about how they tried, failed, but believe that the world owes them something more anyway because they are so special.