Don't forget Derek Jacobi.
Don't forget Derek Jacobi.
Don't forget Derek Jacobi.
Well, if you want an actually decent burger, yes, go to Winstead's (at least it was still decent last time I went there, whenever that was…).
What the what??!?!?!? I knew that they had been Carl's-Jr-ized, but have they disappeared completely? When I was a kid, Hardee's was definitely on the menu of fast food places we would go to. We didn't eat fast food all that often, but when you're out running errands with Mom, sometimes it's the easiest thing.
It's Kansas City, so there probably is a Hardee's nearby, as KC is in the old Hardee's territory.
If I worried about my life having meaning and worth, I wouldn't be reading these comments.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Aliens vs. Tea Party?
And that's just a puny little dwarf galaxy. I'm sure in the movie, it's the Andromeda Galaxy or some similar big spiral or elliptical. Andromeda is about 2 million light years away, so the minimum time for a round trip is 4 million years.
Eh, we could certainly differentiate some stars in the closest galaxies. I'm not sure what the chances of finding any exoplanets would be, though.
This should have been this entire movie: Liam Neeson saying "You sunk my battleship" in various settings. Blinky lights, dark corridor, in space, etc.
*hums "One Night in Bangkok"*
Someday, I hope to Acquire the skills necessary to make puns like these.
I hope you then submitted a treatment for Mark Trail: The Movie.
There's a aartial-to-annular solar eclipse this Sunday (in the US, visible only in the western part of the country). Maybe this is somehow connected to Stacy's appearance?!?!?!
M as in "mantsy"
Mansome? Don't call it that.
Jimmie Dale Badgemore
"The [train] stands for obviousness!"