
The Business of Friendship
We're excited to hear about the new season! Though for Karl's sake, we hope things get a little sunnier. Turning friendship into a business is a difficult thing. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/the-r…

Relationship Martyrdom
We've also been enjoying the twists lately. That being said, we wish Ted could be a little less predictable. He may have given up on relationship support, but it's only because he can now become a martyr for a dying cause. None of his friends care and honestly neither do we. It's a tough path

Chang's Continuing Emotional Torment
Another interesting angle to consider here is what all this disavowal of "real talk" says about Chang's lack of emotional development last week. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be discussed. For more analysis:

The Death of the Family Unit
One thing that we feel is missing from this discussion is what Michael's departure is doing to the office family. This season especially they've made a big point of hammering that message home and this episode was a drastic change from previous communal moment. For more analysis:

Ron Saves the Day
A fun character episode indeed. What we particularly enjoyed was the way that Ron's apathy restored Leslie's optimism. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/parks…

Mitchell and Jay's Reconciliation
While we can see how this episode fit into a lot of typical sitcom formulas, it also broke some new ground. For more analysis of the psychology between Mitchell and Jay: http://realcityny.com/moder…

Bill's Legacy
Well, it's been a good ride. We haven't always agreed with the AV Club's opinions about this show, but we respect them. This final article is a nice discussion of how religion played into the series and we'd like to offer our analysis as a companion piece. The legacy of Bill Henrickson: http://realcityny.

Breaking the formula
We agree that this was a nice return to the tone of the first season. The real question, though, is what Chang's lack of emotional resolution means for the show's formula. For more analysis:

The Magic of Pawnee
The cohesiveness of Pawnee's townspeople definitely made the episode, but there was more to it than that. Their belief in the town and its mythology borders on extreme levels of superstition, almost like choosing to believe in fairies…For more analysis:

Bill's Follow-Through Problem
The one thing that you missed here was Margene's idea about going to Honduras. While it may have been played off as just another silly idea, it may be Bill's best shot for saving his congregation. So far his lack of follow-through has doomed every other enterprise and Juniper Creek will

The Juniper Creek Problem
Seems that we all agree, fantastic episode and a hell of a good time. What's not quite getting discussed, though, is how the Bill-Alby connection goes farther than just similarities. Alby has proved to be a far stronger shepherd of the Principle and if Bill has any hopes of preserving his

Cam and Mitchell's Parenting
We agree that this was one of the better episodes of the season and that Leifer likely had something to do with that. What we were most interested in, though, was what the Cam and Michell storyline said about parenting. They've dabbled in parental gender roles before, but this week they

Issues v. Relationships
We agree that the Jeff and Annie story may be running a little long without a resolution. Though it seems that may be just what Community wants. It's almost as if they need us to buy into the strength of their emotional episodes over the "issues" before delivering a payoff:

Scranton Branch's Twilight Years
We weren't all that bothered by Packer's boorishness. Sure it's unpleasant, but it's not that far off from the way things used to be in the office as a whole. Watching their collective maturation over the past seven years has been quite a process. They've come together not as a family,

Different Approaches to Friendship
We also enjoyed this episode for all the above reasons. Even more than Ann's character shift, though, we were particularly intrigued by what was happening with Ben. Like Leslie, he knew just what to do when a friend needed help. For more analysis:

Rhonda's Survival Instincts
All the issues with the show aside (which we don't really agree with but also don't care about here at Realcity) this episode established an interesting new precedent. After years of everyone' stories being so interconnected and dependent on each other, Ben finally got permission to take

Missing the point
We're truly sorry to hear that so many people were angered/displeased/misdirected by this episode. While it may not have been the most narratively complex, "Threat Level Midnight" was huge in terms of the show. Not only did it redefine Michael's tenure as boss, it also redefined the show's entire

Why earnest is different than finest
All good points about the show's use of humor, but we're more interested in what exactly these antics look like in the world of Pawnee. While we can laugh awkwardly and tune in next week, these characters have to live with them. What does it feel like to know your life is

Documentary Format
In response to Greg's question, our guess is that Pierce called off an actor that was supposed to come as Jeff's father. In response to the overall conversation (which we are indeed late to but only because we've been thinking about it so much) we think that Abed's documentary comments were the true

April's New Direction
One thing that also bears mention is April's potential new job with Chris. Had Ron not been so busy tearing it up, she might not have had the freedom to consider this unnoticed. For more analysis about Ron and April's relationship: