
I don't think we need a Joss Whedon victory lap around all of nerddom. Yes, he did a lot of good work that didn't get the support it deserved from the people with the sugar, and the power, and the women. Unfortunately, it's an exceedingly rare situation wherein art completely resists any and all outside influences,

Hrm, it appears that my brain-tumor-inspired prediction last week was completely wrong.

Faith in actors' ability to act is apparently an incredibly rare commodity. The late Fringe suffered a profound unjustified lack of it.

And maybe see some partial nudity.

Instant solution: take the second half of that lyric as seriously as you take the first.

I have the vaguest glimmer of a thought that maybe I understand what the writers were trying to do with the last five minutes of this episode, and therefore I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to be checked for a brain tumor.

I was having a lot of trouble understanding what she was feeling and thinking without a voiceover of some kind.

And maybe see some partial nudity.

'Fuck' does rhyme with 'fuck.' This idea has potential.

Nations full of office drones are slowly and inefficiently robbing your comment of its sarcastic sting in between coffee runs and Freecell games.

Rappers are contractually obligated to occasionally throw hissy-fits about how they're "still a rapper first," regardless of its truth or relevance, or if anybody even cares.

"Webster's Dictionary defines cannibal as…"

@avclub-e9c1c8ce8e2d95d1dabd6985390696f8:disqus "TV/movie psychopath" is practically its own diagnosis. It probably doesn't exist in the real world, though I think we all want to believe that it does. Even though it's sort of terrifying, it's a much sexier explanation for CEOs and tyrants and whatnot than "well

Heh, process of elimination.

It would have been cool to have had more development on that front. As in, the more advanced Votan races originally developed the two-key approach, but then somebody decided to use the less-advanced race as a jury-rig around the restriction. Of course, that would have required much more background about the races'

"Christian" is a political term more than a religious one. It's usually used to rally the socially conservative Protestant sects together with Catholicism in the United States to present a united front against the erosion of their myriad unconstitutional privileges.

The first red flag was when the film was longer than 10 minutes.

I care. The Supreme Court's a sick joke. They easily could've tackled the core issue of DOMA and Prop 8 head-on by applying Romer to marriage rights. Any state that passes something similar to Prop 8 (or to DOMA) is basically doing  what was prohibited by Romer: they're precluding a certain group of citizens from

Not all psychopaths are highly intelligent. It's not a hard rule.

It has too many syllables to boot. You can't tell me that the alien races would hear the word "shit" and wouldn't be all like "ooooooh yeah, that's actually really good, don't know why we didn't think of that."