Jay vonSherman-phille

Irrelevant Funicello Cockwalkers

Blah blah—Hey it's not terrble,
Blah blah—I miss this show,
Blah blah—I laughed more in 4 minutes here than in all of season 4.
(Standard comment elements from every other Community fan here)
But seriously, this is really hilarious, and I can't wait for more next week.
(and I'm not a true Community fan)

Sorry, sorry, sorry. Didn't see you there.

Yeah I enjoyed it. But fortunately I wasn't one of those people who expects everything when Jimmy and JT show up and then act all whiny when they're disappointed. Yes it wasn't a "LMAO" shows; it was one of these "laugh well" shows I'm just another casual SNL fan. Not a diehard…because there aren't many anymore.

A. No doubt.

That part when Will basically destoyed Alicia gave me life tonight. And when Eli did thst spit-take, I symbolically cried, because now I have to wait until 2014 for the next episode.
"It stinks!"

I admit: I was surprised when the creator of Coupling was a show runner of the DW revival. Even though I didn't watch at first, I didn't know he could do drama.

I have no idea why you all are mad here when if they haven't said anything about Nick Reboot, you wouldn't have any clear idea about its existence…except if you already know about it.
By the way, for old Disney show lovers, there will always be YouTube (if I haven't killed THAT already).

Real quickly: Is Gravity Falls on tonight or will it come back soon?

Seeing Thomas in the pizza costume literally made me smile.
This made my week.

That bad huh?

True. Adults like them can be dicks. By the way, should they have moved out by now?

Well I thought this would get good when I saw the season preview.
The tension between Alicia and Will will get deeper. I can feel it in my heart.
I hope Peter gets his wandering eye fixed, and getting rid of the hot blonde was a very good start.
This new Cary is interesting…ly perfect. 
Nice to see Zach and Grace again;