Frank Walker Barr

Same with Cronenberg's eXistenZ.

"Hey, roommate! happy birthday! I made you an outfit out of my own hand-spun cloth!"
"Gee…just like last year…and..the year before, thanks, I guess"

Southern Wisconsinites (Janesville/Beloit) tend to call it pop, but that's because they really are in the Chicago cultural area. Many people there also prefer the Bears to the Packers because they've actually *been* to a Bears game whereas Green Bay in the middle of nowhere up North.

Ouch. I guess GenX is "older people". I still find myself calling them "tyme machines" in the same way I call a photocopier a Xerox machine even it is made by another company. I also still remember that that TYME stands for "Take Your Money Everywhere" because it was an amazing idea that you could get money from

Or that Amazon would start opening physical bookstores. Oh wait…

The Fox and the Hound (original, not seen 2) wasn't a D-movie. Yes, it was made in the dark times between classic Disney and the "renaissance" beginning with The Little Mermaid, but not everything Disney made then was crap.

Definitely. If there's one thing Russians are good at it is defeating invasions. Even if they have to destroy their own country in the process.

That isn't what happens when Presidents get strokes. Cf. Woodrow Wilson. Then again, I don't see how Melania as defacto President could any worse than what we have.

He should have gone into Broadway musicals instead. No gays there!

And if it is in Washington, DC, it is "merely blocks from the White House". I just thought I could get in a DC meme in.

And with Mary Tyler Moore before she had her own show!

Well, a restaurant needs its regulars more than people who go once because they saw it on a show. If the regulars get in a habit of not going because it is crowded by tourists, that isn't going to be that great for business after a few weeks when the tourists have forgotten it.

Well, an awful lot of what we know about them comes from their traditional rivals, the Athenians, which Western civilization has declared the "good guys" for creating democracy. But they were slaveholders who held women in little regard, same as the Spartans.

See also Ridley Scott. Yes, I *love* Blade Runner and respect Alien, but even in those it is clear he was more interested in style and atmosphere than plot and acting.

Tim Burton's Batman was also very Blade Runner inspired (along with Edward Hopper's 1940s NYC paintings as another inspiration).

You say that like it's a good thing. When he featured one of my favorite local places I couldn't get a table for weeks. Maybe it helped the restaurant, but it wasn't like it was some empty undiscovered place before.

I really love Mimic even though I usually hate the conceit of the old "we scientists were so arrogant that we thought we could play God, blah blah blah".

Most of the Swedish Pyramids are still unassembled due to missing Allen wrenches, though.

To be fair, there's an Imperial Hotel in Chesterfield, MD. It's famous for its bloody marys.