Frank Walker Barr

I think there's still a chance that he will be forced to resign. Which just means that Donald will find somebody else as horrible or worse to replace him, though.

Well, *a* woman, anyway. Unless she ended up using her "forget" spells on her post-Tara girlfriends as well.

Did people really think Buffy actually dressed horribly? Yes, Willow did — that was kind of the point of the character, but I thought Buffy was fairly fashionable for the times, wasn't she?

Seriously, Afghanistan led to a new more hostile cold war reminiscent of the 1950s/early 1960s. Nobody was calling the Soviet Union an "evil empire" or other inflammatory things in the mid 1970s. Instead it was a "live and let live" attitude. Gerald Ford even famously denied that Soviets were oppressing Eastern Europe

"Disruption" is only cool when companies do it. Not the workers.

Because they can destroy the departments they are running thus opening up the market to private industry doing the same thing. It might literally make money for them directly (your idea of "self-service"), but the thing is these people are often so ideologically opposed to government service that they would be happy

What else was he supposed to do in retaliation for the restarting of the Cold War (which had been cooling down in the Brezhnev era)? I suppose Reagan might have deployed troops in Afghanistan, but that might have actually led to WWIII.

In some sort of meteorological incident involving conductive elements, I would imagine.

In an alternative universe, the 1987 mini-series Amerika (about a Soviet-occupied America), Kristofferson's dissident character Devin Milford was played by Bridges.

Reminds me of the Mitchell & Webb skit about being annoyed with Watergate because it would prevent a catchy nickname for a future scandal involving water.

Speak for yourself.

But this doesn't have a catchy rhyme. At least Thunderbird had that.

There's a long history of men from various cultures making their women dress modestly so that only *they* would get to enjoy their beauty.

Well, he was 5 years old in season 2 which included the Cuban Missile Crisis, so presumably 1962. The last season was presumably 1970 (Nixon's speech about starting to withdraw from Vietnam), so I guess 12-13?

I really like Rollerball (1975) and think that focusing on details of the sport is kind of missing the point. Much like real sport, it just supposed to be a meaningless spectacle to appease the masses. The key to the film is really in the interactions between John Houseman's and James Caan's characters — particularly

Very much so. And music too — Paul Simon's "American Tune" (1973), with the lyrics about the Statue of Liberty sailing away to sea — basically Vietnam/Watergate made people think that America had failed. There was even some of that still going on in the 1980s when people thought Japan rather than America was the

I just figured he was breaking into other people's houses to play Intellivision.

I thought the Microsoft phones were there as additional horror elements.

Ah. The problem with the term "Midwest" is some people (like myself) mean places like Wisconsin and Minnesota by the term, and others like yourself mean things like Nebraska and Kansas. There aren't ranches or dust storms in my Midwest.

I'm originally from the rural Midwest, and have no idea how the film relates to my upbringing — it was more about Southern/Texas culture, wasn't it? That's more alien to me than New York or LA culture.