Frank Walker Barr

"Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. Both were acquired (for a very reasonable price), at the Mall's 'Art of Shaving' store".

Oh, you made the joke first. Sorry.

"Look, I kill my wife *once* in a freak piercing accident, and I never hear the end of it!"

"We are really all the same deep down. Look — our heads and legs can be interchanged!"

Yes, but do they really hang out together? We had black kids and Latino kids in our high school in the 1980s too, but there wasn't a whole lot of cross-group socializing.

On the other hand, for all the locker-slamming and wedgies in the 1980s, people didn't get cyberbullied and commit suicide over people posting mean things on Facebook.

I was 15 at the time and thought it was fairly accurate. Yes, the teen slang and fashion was off, but at least at my high school we really did have cliques like the honor society types, athlete types, and "tough guy" types. And they really didn't associate with each other. And I think the movie had a point that kids

"If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press 1."

Things like this are also useful to remind the public that major museums like the Field, American Museum of Natural History, and the Smithsonian are more than the exhibits the public sees. These museums have a staff of researchers that are actually discovering new things about our planet and its history.

My niece and nephew were big fans of him a couple of years ago when they were in middle school. Thankfully they've grown out of him now that they are high schoolers.

I've played Stardew Valley with the tractor mod.

Yeah, let's not have anything nutritious like vegetables — they take away from the salt and grease which are the main Campbell's flavorings.

That's an awfully precise measurement for something that is usually measured in integers.

I thought it was the early 1980s video game which was a thinly disguised rip-off of Pac-Man where the player controlled a set of disembodied teeth eating candy dots while avoiding the giant jawbreakers which were their version of ghosts.

It's bizarre that a real Cannery Row film has never been made — yes, I know the 1982 Nick Nolte film, but despite the title, it really is more an adaptation of the lesser sequel Sweet Thursday instead.

The book was pretty fun, but I'd imagine it'll get the standard Hollywood treatment and be turned into a love story or what not, having the Greg Sestero character in actual love with the actress playing Lisa or some such stupidity.

They aren't supposed to be green! See a doctor.

Whoever came up with the idea of a town in California named "Ontario" and therefore referred to as "Ontario, CA" deserves to be shot.

I don't know about that. I think the parts where Batman is disgusted at Reagan for his incompetence and hypocrisy kind of work for the current administration.

And yet the "Jews for Jesus" people are just annoying, and anger Jews, Christians, and atheists.