Frank Walker Barr

In all seriousness, that's actually why a lot of homeless people have dogs. People don't give a shit about the person, but they don't want the *dog* to go hungry, so they donate.

We have all of that in DC and the museums are free! (although the Metro has its share of bad days, it's still my primary means of transit)

It's been done — on the Venture Bros of all places. Shoreleave (a gay parody of GI Joe's Shipwreck), becomes Born Again and fights crime under the name Holy Diver.

"… let alone many Trumps that would necessitate an entire rack."

Yes. But that's because the thing these days are theatres that have recliners (no, not just that you can lean the seat back, you even have a platform for your feet like grandpa's LaZ-Boy).

I think I've experienced something similar in my own life. Finding obscure books or albums that you had heard of but never seen was a time-consuming process. It was really *exciting* to find something you'd been looking for for years. Now, everything is either on-line and a Google search away, or at worst a couple of

All I can think of in regard to "Russian beauties" is that ad from the 1980s (was it for Wendy's?) where they had a "Soviet Beauty Contest" with stereotypical babushka peasant women. So, no, as an American, while I'm sure beautiful women are found everywhere and that ad was unfair, the idea of Russian women somehow

I had a girlfriend who used to do that. "Oh, it's too much trouble to use the dishwasher." I was like "No, it's exactly *not* too much trouble. It *exists* to eliminate the trouble of washing dishes". Not saying that's why it didn't work out, but it probably didn't help.

They are different kinds of good. Superman is an idealist. And rather naive about the goodwill of the US government and "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" (at least traditionally; didn't he declare himself stateless during the Iraq War or something?). Batman doesn't trust any authority beyond his own. Which isn't

And he got beaten up by Bumble on Hoth! That's a guy who gets taken down by an elf dentist! Sad.

Yeah you just add some pee to Russia and you get the old name for the part of Germany that conquered the rest.

Exactly. Khrushchev was a member of Stalin's inner circle and knew full well what Stalin was doing (and was helping him do it). Denouncing him after he was safely dead was a clever (and cynical) ploy.

It's more complicated than that. Although her fondness for Thomas played a role, remember that she knows that every future that doesn't include George lying dead in a Nazi uniform ends in SF getting nuked (according to the Man), she better make sure he's dead wearing a Nazi uniform.

I figured DC must have gotten hit at some point from the 1960s to 2055 (along with most other important cities) to make a minor city like Cheyenne the capital, though.

Even a black albino character! (and actor — Shaun Ross really is an African-American albino)

Ah, but what if that was an extra-dimensional Trudy rotting away instead? No, that would be stupid. But stupid enough that they wouldn't do it? Feel free to congratulate me in a year if I guessed right.

"I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks."

The universe of Now Wait for Last Year isn't the High Castle universe, though. It's implied that DC was lost there as well, but given that it's set in the future, probably not by Nazis.

I have to question whether the High Command would really believe the Bikini Atoll film as evidence that the Japanese had the H-Bomb (which if I understand it, not even the Germans have yet). It had been established that the technology of the Japanese was so weak that they didn't even have jet airplanes yet while the

Depends where in the country you are. Washington DC to NYC is faster than via plane once you take the nonsense of security into account. And San Diego to LA is nice assuming you are interested in the downtowns of each city (which aren't the scary places your parents talked about anymore).