Frank Walker Barr

Exactly. Does anyone actually remember Magorium other than the diss it got in Breaking Bad?

Walken's basically like Michael Caine and the late Dennis Hopper — they don't seem to have any filter as to what they are willing to act in — ambitious Oscar-seeking movie, stupid comedy, whatever.

They seem to have a stable regime, though.

Yes, a lot of normal TMBG is just absurdism rather than the sex and drug use lyrics of normal pop/rock, so pretty much okay for kids.

I get the feeling that the young German Boomers were from important familes. That kind of has historical precedent with the USSR. Children of high-ranking party members could get away with lots of "decadent" stuff that normal people couldn't get away with.

Lyngstad certainly had a German soldier for a father, but she wasn't "Lebensborn" — there was nothing planned about her birth. Whenever you have soldiers stationed somewhere, they will sleep with the local women (with their consent or not) and children will be conceived.There were quite a few

I'd imagine the Resistance is a mix of a lot of ideologies, much as how real resistance movements were. I remember reading an essay by Eco (who grew up under Italian Fascism/WWII) how there were resistance factions who wanted democracy, those who wanted Soviet-style communism, and even those who felt that the monarchy

Not since the first episode of Season 2.

Some of the best documentaries critical of a group (for example, Jesus Camp) actually use willing participants. A lot of people with unpleasant and/or weird beliefs really don't get how they come across to other people.

But that was kind of the point - as Mad Men reminded us, the cultural "50s" (which extended well into the actual 1960s) *was* a dystopia (at least for minorities and to a lesser degree women).

The smart houses will be counting: "'Today is August 4, 2026,' said a second voice from the kitchen ceiling., 'in the city of Allendale, California.'"

Except Juliana herself doesn't seem to be all that prudish. I assume she and Frank were getting it on despite not being married.

But Vichyssoise soup should be fine, right?

But having sex with minors is perfectly fine according to the Good Book that conservative America uses as its sense of morals. Of course, so is owning slaves, genocide, and various other things.

But in the centuries that followed, most science involving microorganisms has been focused on eradicating them to prevent disease

It is interesting that the characters on the window of the mansion are Hangul. So now it's the Koreans that are on top rather than the Japanese?

Good point. I guess I didn't mind that as much as the Austin Powers stuff because it seemed like the typical juvenile stuff that the characters would realistically say, along the lines of the "it certainly does suck" mock praise of the vacuum hair cutting device.

I genuinely liked the Wayne's World movies — I wish he had stuck with that rather than getting into the innuendo genre with Austin Powers and other later stuff like Cat in the Hat. That sort of thing can be funny when subtle, but Myers doesn't *do* subtle.

I always wonder if he ever gave into the temptation and watched it, though. I still occasionally watch videos of high school musicals I'm in (and even paid to have the tapes transferred to DVD), and while they aren't "terrible", they are typical high school productions, so not great.

There is difference between saying "this is good for them" and the simple fact that British colonialism wasn't as harsh as other forms of it.