Frank Walker Barr

At least it isn't a burger.

"The Chicago Cubs’ big win over the Cleveland Indians…was the biggest TV event in Major League Baseball in 25 years, since 50 million people watched the Minnesota Twins beat the Atlanta Braves in their own game 7 in 1991"

Sort of like with Waitress and Shelly, Schaeffer's murder kind of puts a damper on the whole thing by making you depressed just thinking about the movie, though. Although apparently there's a Waitress musical now, weirdly enough.

But if say, the clue was "This 2000 song by the Baha Men is the worst song ever written or performed.", wouldn't the correct response be "What is 'Who Let the Dogs out?'?" rather than "Who Let the Dogs Out?"

I agree in part, but sometimes things really don't have two equal sides. As much as I dislike one-sided "news" from Fox, I hate the type of news show that thinks homeopaths deserve equal time with medical scientists and so on.

"I walk over the broken glass barefoot!"
"He can't do that!, come on, DM!, don't be silly!"
"Make a saving roll at -2!"
"I pass!"
"He successfully walks over the glass."

Yes, I loved Gödel, Escher, Bach! Oh, Richard Hofstadter, not Douglas.

So this show has nothing to do with the house by Frank Lloyd Wright? I'm disappointed.

Who would have thought a family with generations of patriarchs named Adolph would be right wing?

I was more replying to Bourdain's quote, and only to you in the sense that you apparently agreed enough with it to quote it and think it insightful. I thought my point was relatively straightforward, but to spell it out, I think Bourdain simply feels threatened by the appeal of craft beer, which competes with his

The point is chefs like Bourdain and Puck and Ramsey aren't just giving their personal opinions — they have a lot of money to gain by convincing people to eat "gourmet" — they make a lot of money either being associated with expensive restaurants (or much like Trump) just making money by allowing the use of their

Well, I think a restaurant is there to get a sandwich and some fries with my craft beer and not analyzing some fucking gourmet meal by some celebrity chef. I'd rather spend my time analyzing beer than eating at a $100+/person "fine dining" place.

People who think Stone is overhopped are people who think Taco Bell is too spicy. Among people who like IPAs, Stone has a reputation of being rather bland. It's Ballast Point and Green Flash in terms of West Coast IPAs of quality these days.

Being an alcoholic beverage of any sort in a country of alcoholics has to help a lot though. Although to be fair, Smithwick's beats Guinness and Harp and is pretty much what I drink when I'm at an Irish bar without a lot of selection.

Traditionally it wasn't a "poor cousin" but *the* American sport. And the source of classic poems probably unread outside the US, such as "Casey at the Bat".

No mention of "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" (the one with a clown, ballerina, soldier, hobo, and bagpiper stuck in a cylinder) for anything? It always seemed to me to be the quintessential Twilight Zone episode — surrealistic, existential, and with a twist ending that actually made sense.

Indeed. It would better if there was a cooling mechanism. Scalded junk would not be fun.

Would Bone's supposedly good-natured teasing of Spock be tolerated by HR departments of today?

People pick up on the racism, but his scorn extended well beyond simply non-whites. Basically he was an Anglophile — even Scandinavians and Germans were lesser people in his opinion.

Yep. The Spanish town is even punningly named "Imboca".