Frank Walker Barr

It just seems to be Baby Boomer wankery. At least it wasn't Mick Jagger.

How odd. Almost as if England and France were traditional enemies until the rise of Germany in the late 19th century made them realize that there were bigger problems to worry about.

But what is really the problem? The reason why the term changed from "microbrew" to "craft brew" is that the size of the company doesn't really matter, it is the fact that the beer is actually made with some care about the flavor. If big company X ruins craft brewery Y, another one will take its place.

Okay, so Joan of Arc is there as solidarity to our WWI ally, France. Except wouldn't that have been a bit awkward considering that she was murdered by our *other* WWI ally, England?

The probability of a sociologist getting a six-figure consulting gig is rather smaller than for an economist, though.

The New Yorker is the Gen X New Yorker. It's slowly becoming the Millennial New Yorker. That's kind of how it works — the writers tend to be people in their 30s and 40s.

But apparently there's no man in an old-timey diving suit that the main character calls "Mr. Bubbles".

I like the subtle reference to the origin of The Onion. As it turns out, I *was* a student at UW-Madison in the late 1980s and remember the print copy (and things like Jim's Journal).

On the other hand, looking the words up in what is obviously a German dictionary (as per the photo) probably isn't going to work.

Like the famous quote of L.P. Hartley "The past is a foreign country". I guess the early 1980s (not to mention the late 1970s, with Brooke Shields and Jodie Foster playing child prostitutes), were a sketchy sex-tourism country.

Does this mean that Girl Scout cookies probably have Campfire Girls or other non-quite Girl Scouts in them?

Exactly. Real tea is quite caffeinated. That's why British soldiers needed it even while fighting wars, just like American soldiers needed coffee.

And don't forget Scrubs and Clone High are connected! The creators have stated that the janitor in both shows are the same person!

Yeah — I'm only a couple of years younger than her and I certainly didn't live in the Mad Men world growing up. Looking it up, she appeared in the 1970s revival of To Tell The Truth in 1975 rather than the classic version. So more Saturday Night Fever than Mad Men.

That George McFly action figure should win a prize for "action figure looking least like either actor portraying the character".

Well, I definitely would use a piece of toilet paper in addition to soap and water. I'm pretty skeptical that a tiny jet of water can actually clean serious amounts of shit though. Maybe the Japanese diet leads to hard stools that don't leave much residue or something and it's just the dairy-heavy American diet that

Maybe the show can bring in Larry Niven's Kzin, the way the Star Trek Animated Series did (in an episode penned by Niven). That was generally considered non-canon by later series and movies, but the "Star Fleet Battles" boardgame included it and eventually created a whole separate "Star Fleet Universe".

Particularly weird because if anything, you'd think they'd ignore Will given that his mom was dirt poor.

The obsession with bit characters isn't a new one. Tom Stoppard wrote an entire play about two minor characters in Hamlet, after all.

Well, the 1980 Winter Olympics there did present challenges to the environment which weren't given the amount of study that they would probably get had the Olympics been held now. That's what you meant, right? Not the completely unrelated stories of giant crocodiles, which we can neither confirm nor deny.