Frank Walker Barr

The brilliant part about that is the dismantling part. You just let a few pandas loose and things take of themselves. Well, except for the panda excrement and occasional clumsy pandas that fall to their deaths.

White rockers can curse. Black rappers cursing is "scary"…

Okay, listen I wanted to tell you this and and I was holding back because I didn't know what Dennis' decision was going to be, but at this point both Sears and K-Mart stores have refused to handle the album.

I don't mind TV-movie remakes because they are obscure. What I hate about real theatre-released remakes is that they often displace the original (at least among younger people). One of my favorite movies is the original 1975 Rollerball for its prescient warning of the ever growing power of corporations, and I've had

Did he talk to you through the loading screen of video games? Thanks to emulators Bill Sessions will be long remembered.

Same here about a year ago. She was 16, so not so young, but perfectly healthy up to the point she stopped eating.

Don't worry. In a few months that *will* be the usual meaning again.

The thing about cats is that you have to actually make friends with them. They don't automatically latch onto a "master" like dogs do. I like that about cats — it makes them more interesting animals, and when my cat is affectionate towards me I know it *wants* to.

Well, David Copperfield isn't much of a draw anymore.

I liked his "John Henry Days" (2001), which is both about the myth of John Henry and about the weird new job of being an Internet journalist — it was probably the first work of fiction I read that acknowledged that the Web was turning into a commercial thing that paid people (albeit poorly) to write things rather than

I love Spalding Grey's speech in True Stories about techies and the breakdown of the work/personal life barrier. I can't tell if the movie is mocking the concept or not, but these days places like Google are taking it very seriously indeed.

You know what, HockeyMike?, I like you. You're not like the other people, here in the trailer park.

I have had a long haired cat, and she probably vomited a hairball every other day because of all the hair she swallowed (yeah I tried brushing her, but it didn't really help), but short haired cats rarely have hairballs.

I'm from Madison, WI (well, after 12 anyway) and so theoretically a fan of Oscar Mayer, which was traditionally a product of there. So I should be sad. On the other hand, given that Oscar Meyer is leaving Madison, fuck them.

I kind of *like* Rodgers and Hammerstein. But granted, from the perspective of a (once upon a time when the Soviet Union still existed, although not in it) performer in high-school musicals rather than anyone who paid money to see them.

Are there such things? I mean, I suppose there must be. I've seen plenty of Christian bookstores, and even Mormon-specific bookstores (even outside of Utah!), and I'm sure they probably trend rightward, but are there secular right-wing bookstores? (Yes, I know the argument is they don't read, but presumably somebody

In related news, as a cat person, I'm really annoyed how "pet" has become basically a euphemism for "dog" — as in "Please clean up after your pet. Our company has a pet-friendly environment", etc. If you mean "dog", *say* "dog"!

Actually, before Googling it, I had no idea what kind of shop it was. I was actually hoping it would be a music store specializing in heavy metal or something amusing like that. But apparently it is a handmade jewellery store, so even if people *knew* what kind of shop it was it didn't seem like an unusual request.

It was probably the surprisingly tech-savvy cleaning staff you get these days.